  • 期刊


The Discussion of Yoga Teacher's Certification in Taiwan


現代都會配合樂活(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, LOHAS)風潮,逐漸衍生出一種「慢活」(slowness)的生活型態(Honore, 2005),瑜珈運動在此社會背景下日趨普及。儘管從事瑜珈運動人口日漸趨多,市場對於瑜珈師資需求與日俱增,但國內目前仍缺乏有系統且具公信力的瑜珈師資認證制度。由此,本研究藉由檢視臺灣已立法和從國外引進之運動專業證照制度發展現況,以及歷史悠久具公信力的美國瑜珈聯盟,透過上述資料以提供目前臺灣瑜珈師資認證制度建議,供相關單位作參考,本研究將所蒐集的資料進行整理,彙整如下:一、學員素質良莠不齊:參加學員無條件限制,素質把關有失嚴謹。二、授課師資程度參差不齊:授課教師無統一規定,素質認可略顯鬆散。三、認證課程不甚完善:認證制度並無專責機構控管。四、培訓課程與認證制度資訊不透明化:由少數機構開設課程,為維持競爭優勢及保障智慧財產權,資訊流通不易。五、證書無更新期限:國內證書無須進行更新。六、認證課程收費方式標準不一:國內並無統一的收費標準。未來建議政府與民間相關團體應積極建立合作機制,強化瑜珈培訓課程的整合,借重國內專業證照的發展策略方針,用來建立完整的師資認證制度,使瑜珈運動和國內其他運動產業一樣,朝向更高品質的願景目標永續發展。


With the new trend of ”Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, LOHAS,” a lifestyle called ”slowness” is spread in the current society (Honore, 2005). In this atmosphere, yoga has become a popular exercise nowadays. The population for practicing yoga is getting more and more, so is the market demand for yoga teachers, however, there is no systematic and accredited certification system for yoga teacher's qualification in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to review the legislation in Taiwan and overseas development related to sports certifications including the information of Yoga Alliance which has been established for a long time and is an acknowledged organization for yoga in the United States. This research can be referenced for relevant authorities to set up a unified and systematic accreditation system in Taiwan. The data were analyzed and findings were summarized as follows: first of all, the quality of students was not at the same level as lacking the measurements for enrollment. Secondly, the quality of teachers was different as well. Due to there was no unified certification system for yoga teachers in Taiwan, fitness centers and studios did not provide the same regulation to estimate the qualification of yoga teachers. Thirdly, certified courses were incomplete. At present, there was no qualified and specialized organization responsible for training and accrediting yoga teachers in Taiwan. Fourthly, the disclosure of training and certification information was not enough. Because training courses were offered by only a few institutions, they would reveal limited information for being competitive and protection of intellectual property rights. Fifthly, there was no expiring date of certifications accredited in Taiwan. In other words, yoga teachers with those certifications have a lifetime guaranteed qualification. Finally, there was no standard charge for yoga certification training courses. In order to establish a comprehensive accreditation and certification system, it is recommended that the official authority shall cooperate with non-profit organizations (NGOs) to strengthen the integration of yoga training courses. Yoga will, like other sports have vision and sustainable development.


中華民國瑜珈協會(2011,4 月12 日)。各地教練場。資料引自http://www.cya.org.tw/coach.aspx/
林貞岑(2003)。瑜珈 全球健康新風潮。康健雜誌。60,38-45。
