  • 期刊


From Active Voice "Eating" to Passive Voice "Suffering"-The Semantic Change of Verb Chi in Chinese


依據論元結構(Argument structure)而論,動詞「吃」需指派兩個論元〔agent, theme〕分別作為主語及賓語。施事主語具自主性(+volitional)和控制性(+controlling)的語意特徵,而受事賓語則有具體性(+concrete)。除了典型的動作及物(action,transitive)用法外,另有非動作不及物(non-action,intransitive),表示「遭受」(suffer)意,主語成為了經驗者(experiencer)而賓語是刺激物(stimulus)。這兩種不同的語意,卻有相同的形式結構:(S)NP1+(V)吃+(O)NP2。本文基於動態語法(emergentgrammar)討論動詞「吃」的賓語由具體性(+concrete)泛化(generalization)為非具體性(-concrete),並且帶有不幸(adversity)的意涵。而主語的論元語意角色(semantic role),從動作施事者,成了非自主性的(-volitional)經驗者,使得動詞「吃」由動作及物,重新理解(reinterpretation)為非動作性不及物的用法。同時,本文也從辭彙化角度試圖為「吃X」形式做分類。


In terms of argument structure, the verb chi1 吃 'eat' requires an agent and a theme as the subject and object respectively. The agent subject possesses the semantic features of [+volition] and [+control], while the theme object has the feature of [+concrete]. Aside from the typical action and transitive usage, non-action and intransitive usage, meaning suffering, also exists. In the case of the non-action and intransitive usage, the subject becomes an experiencer and the object a stimulus, yet these two different semantic meanings are derived under an identical formal structure: (S) NP1 + (V)吃+(O)NP2. Based on emergent grammar, the current study reveals that the object of chi1 吃 is generalized from [+concrete] to [-concrete] and equipped with the implication of adversity. Furthermore, the semantic role of the subject is transformed into a non-volitional experiencer from an agent, making chi1 吃 reinterpreted as non-action and intransitive rather than action and transitive. On the other hand, this study attempts to categorize various types of ”吃X” from the perspective of lexicalization.


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