  • 期刊


Reproductive Toxicity of the Serotonin Transporter Radiopharmaceutical, I-123-ADAM


懷孕時期罹患憂鬱症問題已受到廣泛關注,經美國研究結果,1/10產婦會罹患憂鬱症,且86%的缺乏正確的藥物治療或心理諮詢。妊娠憂鬱症可能造成個人身心與家庭相處等問題,更對於胚胎發育會構成損害。研究中指出憂鬱症將影響到嬰兒的應激激素(stress hormones),會導致嬰兒出生時體重偏低、早産甚至是胎兒的大腦發育受損。利用核醫功能分子影像技術之診斷用碘-123-ADAM ((2-((2-Amino-4-iodophenyl)thio)benzyl]dimethylamine)可提供非侵入性、即時的影像技術加以追蹤定量與SERT之特異結合能力,以期望達到早期診斷早期正確醫療治療的效果。但由於妊娠婦女進行核醫檢查時,擔心放射性藥物會通過胎盤轉移到胎兒,或是停留在母親器官的放射性藥物對胎兒形成體外曝露。故本研究以實驗用大鼠爲受試動物,用以評估該放射性診斷藥物使用於懷孕前、後期之生殖與發育毒性,以評估對生殖力、胚胎毒性、新生兒等影響及引起畸胎之可能性,給予臨床安全性之評估。


Depression during the period of pregnancy has been wide concern. During American research results, 1/10 of will suffer from depression parturient, and 86% of the lack of correct drug therapy. Pregnancy from depression may result in personal and family problems, even for embryos would constitute an injury. Many study from the depression had report that it will effect the baby's hormones (like, stress hormones), cause decrease the birth weight, prematurely and impaired of fetal brain. Iodine-123-ADAM (((2-2-(amino-4-iodophenyl) thio) benzyl] Dimethylamine), functional diagnostic molecular imaging agent, could provide non-invasive and real-time imaging technologies. Quantity of SERT with ADAM could apply for early diagnosis and earlier correct medical treatment. But, during pregnancy with nuclear medical radiopharmaceuticals will worry about the passed the placental to the fetus, or stuck in the mother organs to format the in vitro exposure to the fetus. In this study used rats as the animal model to assess the radioactive in pregnancy. In reproductive and developmental toxicity, including assess of fecundity, embryo toxicity, and the possibility of teratoma, etc. We wish to give an assessment of clinical safety of parturient in using Iodine-123-ADAM.


ADAM toxicity depression
