  • 學位論文


Body Techniques: Becoming a Craftsman from the Forest Products Industry in Luodong

指導教授 : 劉可強


太平山林場自日治時期起即為台灣三大林場之一,因為最晚開發且蓄積量最豐,關鍵的帶動了羅東地方經濟的發展,從而影響著地方的社會生活。本文以匠乃為掌握木頭與市場的技術者此概念做為討論林產工業下匠人生成的基礎,試圖在林產工業的歷史發展脈絡下釐清技術工人的身體技藝與其勞動過程的關係,並藉以指出後林產工業社會的匠人面貌。 本文藉由討論林產工業社會下匠人生成的過程旨在回應空間規劃實踐上的困難。首先在第二章交代林產工業的歷史脈絡,指出林場工業與羅東工商業發展的關係,進而在第三章透過「伐木」及「製材」兩大生產情境討論技術工人獲得身體技藝的過程,具體而言就是「聞」、「看」、「摸」此無形的身體化技術。然而在1991年天然林禁伐政策的影響下,林產工業中「伐」、「剖」兩大核心技術面臨了嚴峻的考驗,前述所提之具有身體技藝的技術者勢必重構自身與原料(木頭)及市場的聯繫始能在後林產工業時期維繫生存。第四章即透過「新木料來源」、「客製化生產」兩大部分處理了身體化的技術如何展開對外的接軌。第五章則總結前述,提出匠人生成得以可能的原因。匠人之所以可以在後林產工業時期生成乃源自於他們在林產工業時期的勞動經驗,技術工人在「伐」、「剖」的過程中累積了身體經驗而內化為其個體知識,以此做為其後身份轉化的基礎。在「驗貨」、「上課」、「商量」及「訂做」此四個面對面的場域中,技術者、頭家及客戶得以展開各種木材知識的交流,此亦為林產業技術得以精鍊化的關鍵所在。最後則在身體技藝之存在的概念基礎上說明後林產工業的匠人面貌為「師傅頭+頭家」以及「師傅頭=頭家」身份組合。 在結論部分,藉由上述回應「規劃的限制」課題而提出:身體的技藝是難以言述的個人知識,面對面的場域是暫時性的人與人、人與物關係,此二者既為林產業的核心要素,卻又同屬無法規劃的範疇。


身體技藝 羅東 林產工業 檜木 匠人 木頭 技術 市場


Since Japanese ruled period, the forestry center of Tai-Ping mountain is one of the three major forestry centers in Taiwan. Because of being the latest developed forestry center and to be rich in abundant logs, Tai-Ping mountain critically pushed forward Luodong’s economy development. From then on, local people’s sociall life are deeply embedded in the forest products industry. This research attempts to use the relationship between woods and market to grasp concept of craftsman, and on this basis I want to discuss how a skilled labor could possibly become a craftsman from the forest products industry. Follow on the context of forest products industry, I point out that the body techniques of skilled labor origined from their labor producing process, and up to post-forest products industry period, the figures of craftsman could be different from before. For replying the boundary of planning practice, I put six parts to explain my concept. The second chapter accounts for the context of forest products industry, and the third part tells how skill labors get body techniques from lumbering and sawmill industry. Concrete speaking, the skill used on distinguishing wood materials include smelling, seeing and touching, these are called body techniques. However, in 1991 the government forbade all the lumbering activity in Taiwan. After that, those who has body techniques must reconstruct himself to connect with woods and market to maintain their subsistence. The fourth chapter deals with how existence body techniques open up its connection with new wood materials and customize production. Next I address four face-to-face fields as the essence factors that supply skill to be upgraded. They are “examine goods”, “conduct a class”, “discuss” and “customize producing”. After proving the existence of body techniques, I consider in post-forest products industry period the role of craftsman could possibly made up by “master worker + boss” and “master worker = boss” these two relationships . In conclusion, for replying the boundary of planning practice, I point out that body techniques are personal knowledge and hard to describe, and the face-to-face fields are temperary existence in space, they both can not be planned, which belong to the category of “limitation of planning practice”.




洪宸宇(2012)。東海岸原住民的漂流木技藝 ─ 一個學徒的經驗研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.02394
