  • 學位論文


Comparisons on Adopted Production Models of Assessing the South Atlantic Albacore Stock

指導教授 : 葉顯椏


南大西洋台灣遠洋鮪延繩釣漁業,自1960年代中期初次作業以來,發展極為迅速;1970年代起,不但一直是南大西洋長鰭鮪資源之最大利用國,也是該長鰭鮪資源時空分布特性之主要訊息提供者。本資源自1970年代起,即受到大西洋鮪類國際漁業管理機構(ICCAT)之法訂管轄。到目前為止,曾使用過且作為本資源管理依據之評估模式有:年齡結構型餘量模式(ASPM)及變積矩陣型餘量模式(ASPIC)等兩種。本論文係依據:南大西洋台灣遠洋鮪延繩釣漁船資料(自1967至2010年間、五度方格、月別等漁獲及漁獲努力量時空分布數據)為基礎,應用:泛線性(GLM)、泛加性(GAM)、ASPM、ASPIC及貝式餘量模式(BSP)等方法,研析比較不同模式間對資源評估及管理之影響。 結果顯示:(1)漁區因子為解釋GLM總變異之最強因子;(2)表水溫(SST)因子在GLM模式下僅解釋少部份的模式變異,在GAM模式下則清楚顯示長鰭鮪好棲息於14~19 ℃ SST水域;(3)漁船現場量測體長顯示:1997~1999年間,採自Alb_34區之長鰭鮪月平均體重,顯著較重於其他年份;(4)Alb_34區1997~1999年6~10月間之月平均_SST(取自NOAA資料庫)較2002~2004年同期間亦有明顯的差異;(5)以現存成熟群之生物量(SSB2010)為基礎,若欲達成”五年內,不大於50%之危險機率,本資源之SSB將持續維持SSB/SSB2010大於1”之前景,引用:ASPM、ASPIC及BSP 等評估模式,求得之最大可捕量(TAC)分別為24,000公噸、20,000公噸及25,000公噸;(6)總觀模式參數化結構之合理性、與現階段漁業管理之適用度、未來擴充之彈性等面向綜合比較後,本研究以ASPM模式應是值得持續引用並盼能進而引入生態環境等因子,以便更深入地反映漁業資源現況與前景預測。


Mainly based on 1967-2010 area-time catch and effort data reported from Taiwanese vessels fishing on South Atlantic albacore, this study aimed at (1) comparing generalized linear (GLM) and generalized additive (GAM) models with/without sea surface temperature (SST) factor for obtaining a better abundance indices trend of the stock; (2) comparing the age-structured production (ASPM), a stock production model incorporating covariates (ASPIC), and Baysian surplus production (BSP) models for obtaining a precautious criteria of 50% risk at which the sustainable total allowable catch (TAC) level can be determined. The results obtained as follows: (1) area factor appears to be the most explanatory factor to express the total variation in GLM; (2) the addition of SST factor into GLM will only add small explanatory power as compared to without SST factor, adding SST into GAM, on the other hand, does explain its concentration at 14~19℃ SST; (3) mean body weight of measured albacore in Alb_34 appeared higher in the years of 1997~1999 as compared with other years; (4) the monthly mean SST (June ~ October) in the period of 1997~1999 (years of heavy El Nino) of Alb_34 appeared to be significantly different from those of 2002~2004 based on NOAA data; (5) if the criteria of a constant TAC "which assures that there appears a risk of smaller than 50% chance that the prospecting SSB/SSB2010 will reach the value always greater than 1 in 5-years" is proposed as such, the model-predicted TACs were: 24,000mt, 20,000mt, and 25,000mt by using ASPM, ASPIC and BSP models, respectively; (6) an overall comparison on these three models suggested the ASPM appeared to be the most promising, judged by its structural soundness of model components and managerial applicability on fishing practice, for assessing and managing the South Atlantic albacore resource.


South Atlantic albacore GLM GAM ASPM ASPIC


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