  • 學位論文


A Study of Campus Reforming Evaluation from a User Perspective–Case Study of Zhou-Shan Rd. in National Taiwan University

指導教授 : 陳亮全


校園空間整建是現今校園無法避免的議題,校園的周邊環境、內部空間設施、空間角色隨著時間不停的改變。在此趨勢下,校園空間面臨內外部的整建壓力與必要性。使用者的期望透過校園空間整建的空間規劃設計實踐,期望建構使用者與規劃設計者理想中的校園空間場所。台灣大學—舟山路,經歷長時間的空間整建過程,舟山路從原本台北市市區道路的交通要角,轉變成為台大校園內部的連結通道與活動空間,同時發展成為台北市民的休憩活動場所。此現況空間樣貌,承襲舟山路空間整建過程中,每個階段的空間規劃設計目標與實踐,並與其自身環境環環相扣,相互作用形成現況的舟山路校園空間。 本研究以臺灣大學舟山路空間整建作為校園空間規劃對象,且從使用者角度探討校園空間規劃設計,瞭解不同使用者對於校園空間的評價與看法,同時評估舟山路空間整建的目標達成與否,以及空間目標達成與否的因素探討。研究內容涵蓋兩層面,一方面是舟山路空間的規劃設計構想與空間的預期成果;另一方面為使用者對於整建後的舟山路空間回應。前者從文獻資料和舟山路空間整建之參與者的訪談,瞭解舟山路空間整建的目標與預期成果,成為探討目標與項目基礎;後者則從現況舟山路的現地觀察、使用者問卷以及深入訪談,瞭解使用者活動行為與舟山路空間之關係和空間評價。從舟山路空間整建瞭解校園空間整建,不僅是空間形式的改變,伴隨校園空間角色的轉變,不只擁有原先的學術研究機能,同時成為都市中的休閒綠地空間。此外,舟山路空間整建不論其成敗,其提供校園空間整建的經驗參考。


Campus reforming is an unavoidable issue of the campus now. It involves campus environment, facilities, and characters were transformed constantly with the time. Campus transforming has come to be one of the most recent trends. Campus is in the pressure with needing to be changed and put the user and the planner’s idea into practice in campus by planning and design. National Taiwan University–Zhou-Shan Road was experienced campus reforming through long period. Zhou-Shan Road was a main road of Taipei City in the past and now it became a avenue and active space for university users, in the same time, it turns into a public urban space to the citizens for resting. Zhou-Shan Rd. adopted goals and expectations in every step of space design. The space of Zhou-Shan Rd. is related with its surrounding environment and interacts to form today’s Zhou-Shan Rd. of campus. Zhou-Shan Rd. is as a case study of campus reforming from a user perspective to understand the different users’ opinions and evaluations of campus space. Moreover, the study assesses the objective of Zhou-Shan Rd. was achieved or not in the space now and research factors of achieving space’s objective. The research has two aspects of the matter, one is planning and design’s expectation of Zhou-Shan road; the other hand is the user’s response to the space of Zhou-Shan Rd. after reforming. First is from the reference and interview with the participant to understand the Zhou-Shan road spatial reforming objectives and expectation. This is the foundation of research Zhou-Shan Rd. spatial reforming. Second is through the user behavior-observation, users’ questionnaires and depth-interview to understand the user activities’ relationship with the campus space and evaluation of Zhou-Shan Rd.. According to the reforming of Zhou-Shan Rd., realizing campus spatial transformation is not only the form of space but also the role is accompanied changed. In addition, Zhou-Shan Rd. provides practical example of campus planning and design. From the user perspective to understand what is important of campus space.


Clare Cooper Marcus , Trudy Wischemann. (1990). People places. New York, N.Y. :: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
