  • 學位論文


Investigation of Key Factors Affecting the International Competitiveness of Taiwan’s Small Wind Turbine Industry

指導教授 : 吳文方


本研究廣泛蒐集相關文獻及次級資料,深入瞭解我國小型風力發電機產業的特性及發展現況後,以麥可波特(Michael Porter)所提「鑽石模型理論」為基礎,考慮「企業的策略、結構與競爭」、「相關與支援性產業」、「生產要素」、「市場需求」與「政府」五個構面的相關因素,首先透過深度訪談方式,瞭解各界專家對小型風力發電機產業的看法,以確認各構面因素之適當性;再應用層級分析法,依據產、官、學、研各界專家所填答之20份有效問卷,瞭解有利於臺灣小型風力發電機產業發展的關鍵因素,並進行優先順序之排列,以作為廠商經營策略與政府釐定政策之參考。本研究結果顯示,前述五大構面中之「市場需求」與「政府」兩構面對於我國小型風力發電機產業國際競爭力的影響較為重要,而此兩構面下之「切入大陸內需市場」、「簡化再生能源躉購行政程序」、「設置離島示範風場」、「政府推動國際及兩岸測試驗證接軌或合作」以及「差異化」等子項更是當前我國小型風力發電機產業發展較需要被重視的關鍵因素。


This purpose of this study is to explore the key factors that affect the international competitiveness of Taiwan’s small wind turbine industry. Porter's Diamond Model was adopted as the theoretical framework for constructing the impact measurement. The study consists basically three phases. In the first phase, secondary data were collected to understand the characteristics and current situation of the wind turbine industry in Taiwan for further constructing of preliminary influential factors. In the second phase, six experienced professionals were interviewed for the purpose of modifying and confirming the appropriateness of those key influential factors. In the last phase, another twenty professionals from government, companies, academic and research institutions were interviewed and their opinions were analyzed using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for finding out the importance and priority of factors having significant impacts on the industry. Through the study, the following conclusive remarks were found and listed according to their priorities: (1) The small wind turbine firms should entry into the market of Mainland China; (2) The demonstrative wind farm should be built in Taiwan’s islands as soon as possible; (3) The government should simplify the application process of guaranteed electricity purchasing; (4) International and cross-strait collaborations in small wind turbine testing and certification should be carried out as soon as possible by the government; (5) The strategy of differentiation should be taken by firms.


[21]黃丙雄(2008),「太陽能光電產業關鍵成功因素之研究 - AHP法之運用」,國立成功大學高階管理碩士在職專班論文。


李洋煥(2016)。混合式多準則決策之應用 --- 以我國小型風力發電機產業之發展為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201600749
