  • 學位論文

民宿作為家意義的另類生產途徑- 以蘭陽地區民宿家庭為例

B&B as an Alternative Production of the Meaning of Home - A Case Study on B&B Homestay in I-Lan Area

指導教授 : 畢恆達


有關民宿的資訊常常圍繞著「家」打轉,民宿業者也是不斷地強調「家」的概念。民宿作為業者的家,又是經營民宿的空間,家的意義在工作與家之間轉換。民宿作為旅客異地的住所,家的意義在旅行與家之間拉扯,在離與返之間得以浮現。民宿對主客雙方有著不同的意義,但民宿注重主客間的互動、交流,因此民宿的家意義應建立在主客雙方的關係之上,不應單獨視之。故本研究分別訪談民宿業者與民宿旅客,藉由對民宿的想法及在民宿空間裡的生活經驗,進而了解民宿的家意義如何產生。 研究發現,透過意識型態、物的意義和人際交往三方面的作用之下,得以建構出民宿中家的意義。然而近年來在商業邏輯的運作之下,部份民宿業者只是打著家的口號或是販賣著家的氛圍,沒有真實的情感交流;而民宿訪客在去勞務的家庭迷思之下,消費著片面的美好生活經驗。在主客雙方對民宿情境選擇與想像的過程當中,形成特殊的交流與互動模式,發展出「類似親屬」的人際關係,一種新型態的另類家庭。


另類家庭 民宿 旅行


In the trend of a new tourist style, B&Bs always connects to the images of “home”, and the hosts of B&Bs usually point out the concept of “home”. For the host of B&B, the house is not only his/ her home but also the place where he/ she works. Thus the meaning of home transfers between dwelling and working. On the other hand, B&B is the accommodation space of the visitors during their journey. The meaning of home then differs between travel and home, and even re-constructs in the process from departure to return. B&B contains different significance toward visitors and hosts separately, and it is important to view the personal interaction in B&B exactly because of its uniqueness. Therefore the meaning of home in B&B is supposed to be manipulated and reproduced based on the interaction between visitors and hosts. Accordingly this study starts with the interviews of both the visitors and hosts in a qualitative approach. Through the interviewees’ ideas about B&Bs and their spatial experiences in B&Bs, the research aims to figure out the dynamic process of producing the meaning of home in B&Bs. The research finds that the meaning of home in B&B is constructed under the effects of ideology, the meaning of object, and the personal relationship. Recently, in the operation of profit-seeking business, some B&B hosts just sell the atmosphere of home or use the concept of home as an advertisement without real emotions. While the visitors who avoid the housework consume the incomplete, but fabulous life experiences. In the process of the alternative decision and imagination about the concept of B&B from both sides, a special mode of interaction comes into play. Eventually there is a “kin-like” personal relationship developed, that is, so-called “intentional family”.


B&B Home Travel Intentional family


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