  • 學位論文


Inducing resveratrol synthesis in the skin of 'Kyoho'grape by UV-C treatment.

指導教授 : 王自存


本實驗以0.5-2kJ/cm2劑量短波長紫外線(UV-C)照射來誘發葡萄果皮產生白藜蘆醇,並以高效能液相層析儀(HPLC)進行分析。 ‘巨峰’葡萄果實經紫外線照射後,其白藜蘆醇的生成量較對照組高,但不同照射劑量間沒有劑量效應。 ‘巨峰’葡萄果實經紫外線照射後,在0 ℃中貯放者幾乎不生成任何白藜蘆醇,,在10 ℃中貯放,白藜蘆醇的生成呈現溫和的上升,在20 ℃中貯放者白藜蘆醇之生成上升達高峰後會下降,然後再上升,變化最大。 ‘巨峰’葡萄未成熟果經過紫外線照射後,會在第一天產生很高的白藜蘆醇生產量,然後穩定的下降。隨著果實成熟度越高,白藜蘆醇生成能力越低。 ‘蜜紅’葡萄經紫外線處理後白藜蘆醇之生成量較‘巨峰’葡萄高數倍,顯示不同品種之白藜蘆醇差別很大。 以-730 mmHg減壓處理‘巨峰’葡萄1、12 和24 hr,發現以較短時間的減壓處理,可以有較強的誘導白藜蘆醇生成的效果。50℃ 熱水浴處理的時間越久,‘巨峰’葡萄果實內的白藜蘆醇最大生成量越高。 研究結果顯示短波長紫外線確實可以誘導葡萄果實產生白藜蘆醇,並直接受到溫度的影響。不同的非生物性逆境亦可誘導葡萄果實產生白藜蘆醇,但不同逆境間的交互關係尚需在未來做更近一步的探討。


The objects of this research were to study the formation of the resvera- trol(3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) in the skin of grape that were treated with ultraviolet-C(UV-C).And the resveratrol were analyzed with high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). ‘Kyoho’ grape that were treated with different dose of UV-C synthesized more resveratrol than the control. There were no difference among UV-C treatmemt, and there were no dosage effect between UV-C doses and resveratrol synthesis. There were no resveratrol synthesis in 0℃, the resveratrol raised and downed at 10℃, and maximum resveratrol synthesized and variation in 20℃. The UV-C treated immature ‘Kyoho’ grape had a high content of resveratrol in first day, and than kept on a steady state. The more mature the fruit was; the less synthetical capacity of resveratrol. ‘Honey red’ grape, treated with UV-C, synthesized more resveratrol than ‘Kyoho’ grape. Different variety influences the synthetical capacity seriously. ‘Kyoho’ grape with 1、12 or 24 hr hypobaric treatment (-730 mmHg) were indicated that the short hypobaric treatment is induce more syntheticcal capacity of resveratrol in grape. The longer the hot water treatment did the higher maximal content of resveratrol in ‘Kyoho’ grape.   These results above demonstrated that ‘UV-C’ does could increase the content of resveratrol in grape, and influence by temperature amd variety directly. Many alternative abiotic stresses could induce resveratrol in grape, but need further examination in future.


stilbenes stress phytoalexins


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