  • 學位論文

災後應變集體行動與社會資本之運作 ─八八風災高雄縣甲仙鄉三個社區之經驗

Interaction of Collective Behavior and Social Capital in Disaster Response -The Experiences of Three Communities in Jiaxian Township Kaohsiung County After Typhoon Morakot

指導教授 : 陳亮全


民國九十八年八月的莫拉克颱風引進強勁的西南氣流,連日豪雨使甲仙鄉發生嚴重災情,下游的各村更因為堰塞湖的洪水七個孤島。本研究延續1968年 Quarantelli 與 Dynes對於緊急應變組織類型的探討,研究甲仙的三個村莊在等待外援的過程中,社區臨時發展出的集體行動。研究方法採用深入訪談蒐集社區的緊急應變過程與災前、災後社會資本狀態,以歸納集體行動的模式以及其與社會資本的關聯。 結果發現,在社區的層次上,由於災時的急迫性以及居民對於社會規範(維持秩序與公平性)的遵守與互惠行為的信任,會發展出搜救、開路、共享資源或集中分發物資的集體行動。不過其運作模式可粗分為兩種:第一種是社區組織災前並不強勢,災時的行動並無明顯核心,直接在鄰里中形成零星的臨時型組織。第二種是由社區組織轉變的延伸型組織為核心,向外在鄰里中擴充成為具有核心的臨時型組織。第二種模式的社區由於社區組織居中運作,後期較趨向於制度化,而且災後社區的凝聚力增強。但第一種模式的社區,沒有組織可以承接共患難時累積的社會資本,日久力量就消散了。由此可見集體行動模式受到災前社會資本的影響,同時也往後影響了災後社會資本的累績。 台灣鄉村社會潛藏的價值觀、規範、信任與綿密的社會網絡是珍貴社會資本。它的確對於應變時的動員型態有影響,尤其是社區組織,它不僅在緊急應變時具有應用的潛力,也較能將社會資本繼續累積。由此觀點來看,社區營造活動對於社區防災具有社會性的意義,而防災的準備也應該結合社區組織以利災時集體行動的運作與災後的發展。


Southern Taiwan was stroked by the extraordinarily heavy rainfall of Typhoon Morakot in August 2009. A serious problem was when transportation and communication had been cut off, communities were isolated. Conventional response system relies highly on external rescue and relief organizations rather than local groups. However communities did possess some power to cope with emergencies. Moreover, from the reaction of communities, we did see some positive effects on the societal aspect brought by disasters. According to Quarantelli and Dynes (1968), there are four types of organized behavior in response to disaster, namely established, expanded, extended and emergent. For the sake of getting detailed comprehension of the interaction between the modes of mobilization and social capital in community level, Jiaxian’s experience in Typhoon Morakot is chosen to be the case to study. The collective actions of three villages before, during and after the disaster are invested by interview, second-hand data collection and participatory observation. The analysis shows that in community level, rescue, path-clearing, resources-sharing and grocery distribution actions were capable. Extended and emergent organizations were the main forms of mobilization. The basic mode is emergent organization composed by neighborhood. More advanced is the mixture of extended and emergent organization- Community Development Association as the center of mobilization with neighborhood’s assistance. Besides the shared values of altruism and solidarity, organization-generated social capital before disaster was also the condition that triggers collective activities. If a village accumulated more social capital before disaster, the chance to develop the advanced mode would be higher. When the mode is formed, the positive societal effect in emergency response would be more likely to maintain while recovering. This research shows that the hidden value, social norms, trust and compact network are precious social capital in Taiwan’s rural society. It is associated with the mode of mobilization that a community adopts in emergency. Especially the effect of Community Development Association is undeniable. It not only plays an important role in emergency response but helps accumulating social capital afterwards. From this point of view, participatory community empowerment is valuable in a community-based disaster management. It is better to make use of extended organizations for the benefit of emergent mobilization and further development.


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