  • 學位論文

牙周病嚴重程度與BANA test檢驗結果之關係

Using the BANA test to detect periodontopathogenic bacteria from patients

指導教授 : 林育誼


牙周病主要是由牙菌斑的細菌增生,導致牙齦組織發炎所引起,如果不加以治療,往往造成齒槽骨流失、牙齦周圍組織破壞。 N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-naphthylamide(BANA)test常用來偵測牙周病患者口中的牙齦卟啉菌Porphyromonas gingivalis(Pg)、福賽斯坦納菌Tannerella forsythia(Tf)、齒垢密螺旋體Treponema denticola(Td)等具有類胰蛋白酶(trypsin-like enzyme)的牙周厭氧致病菌。 本研究採集牙周病患者口內不同部位樣本,利用BANA test檢驗類胰蛋白酶能力的高低與其鄰近部位牙周病嚴重程度的相關性。在實驗中以根管紙針(Endodontic paper point)置入牙周病患者的牙周囊袋進行採樣,再將樣本放入100 μl 厭氧培養基(Wilkins Chalgren medium)與100 μl BANA 的混合液中,置於37 ℃培養箱中培養24小時後加入石榴紅硫酸鹽(Fast Garnet GBC Salt);再以酵素免疫分析儀(ELISA Reader)OD 490 nm讀取其數值。 實驗結果顯示在牙周病患者身上所採集的樣本中,病情較嚴重部位所讀取的OD值會顯著高於較不嚴重之部位(Mean difference=0.04773, SE=0.01465, paired t-test),而BANA test所呈現出的顏色也會明顯變紅。本研究顯示患者牙齒的牙周病情況越嚴重,BANA test檢測到的結果就越顯著,因此BANA test可用來做為快速檢驗牙周病嚴重程度的工具。


Periodontal disease is an inflammatory process in the periodontal tissue that is initiated by the microorganisms in the subgingival plaque. If left untreated, it will cause periodontal tissue breakdown and alveolar bone resorption. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg)、Tannerella forsythia (Tf) and Treponema denticola (Td) are among the anaerobic species frequently associated with periodontal disease, which possess a trypsin-like enzyme that can be detected by the hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-2-naphthylamide (BANA). The purpose of the study is using the BANA test to detect the presence of trypsin-like enzyme releasing periodontopathogenic bacteria from patients. For each qualified periodontal patients, two samples were taken from advanced lesion (pocket depth (PD) > 5 mm), two from mild lesion (PD < 5 mm), and one was saliva sample. Endodontic paper points were inserted into the periodontal pockets to collect microbiological samples. One hundred μl Wilkins Chalgren medium and 100 μl BANA solution then were incubated with each sample overnight at 37 °C. The color was developed by the addition of 10 μl fast garnet solution and read with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay reader with a 490 nm filter within 30 min. The data showed that the optical density values for samples collected from advanced lesions were significantly higher than those from less serious lesions. The results suggest that the advanced periodontal lesion may harbor higher numbers of periodontal pathogenic bacteria (ie, red complex), which produce high titers of trypsin-like enzyme in gingival fluid and can be detected by BANA test. The BANA test may useful in quick detecting the severity and activity of periodontal pathogenic bacteria in patients.


Peridontal disease BANA test Red complex


8. 行政院衛生署國民健康局網站,口腔保健. http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw.
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