  • 學位論文


Development of the intra-articular injectable controlled-release PTH(1-34) microspheres for treatment of osteoarthritis

指導教授 : 何美泠


引言 退化性關節炎(osteoarthritis, OA)是為一種容易發生在負重關節的退化性疾病。當關節炎發生時,關節軟骨會逐漸流失細胞外間質(extracellular matrix)。由於造成退化性關節炎的原因以及機制很複雜,故截至目前為止,尚未具有效的辦法。目前在細胞學的研究上發現,在退化性關節炎發生時,軟骨細胞會表現出第X型膠原蛋白並逐漸走向凋亡,此一現象與胚胎期或生長板之軟骨細胞進行軟骨內骨化的情況相類似。研究指出副甲狀腺素相關胜??(parathyroid hormone related peptide, PTHrP)具有抑制終止分化並維持軟骨細胞軟骨化 (Chondrogenesis) 的能力。副甲狀腺素(parathyroid hormone, PTH)與PTHrP兩者均可透過PTH接受器1型(PTHR1)調控細胞內的訊息傳遞路徑。根據本實驗室先前的研究指出,每三天關節內施打一次PTH(1-34),能有效抑制退化性關節炎病程。然而,每三天施打一次藥劑之注射次數仍太頻繁,為了減少注射頻率,本研究製作發展了一個長效型的PTH(1-34)藥物載體,並探討經由關節內注射控制釋放型的PTH(1-34),是否對於治療早期退化性關節炎有效果。 方法 活體外研究:以不同聚乳酸比例的PLGA高分子為基材,利用乳化溶劑揮發法,將PTH(1-34)包覆於PLGA微小球中(PTH/PLGA微小球),分別藉由掃描式電子顯微鏡以及粒徑分析儀來觀察其表面狀況及微小球尺寸。並於活體外模擬體液的條件 (0.9% NaCl) 下,觀察此微小球之藥物釋放曲線,隨後測試藥物於釋放後之活性。活性測試方法: 給予MC3T3-E1細胞不同濃度之PTH(1-34) (5X10-9M – 10-7M),利用 Thiazolyl Blue 測試該濃度區間之PTH(1-34)是否對於細胞具有毒殺效果。並將自PTH/PLGA微小球中釋放出之PTH(1-34)處理類骨母細胞 (MC3T3-E1) 24小時後,並以ELISA定量MC3T3-E1所生成之環單磷酸腺甘 (cAMP)。 活體內研究:探討 PTH/PLGA 微小球對於退化性關節炎的治療效果的部分,是利用12週齡的大鼠 (Sprague Dawley Rat, SD Rat) 膝關節給予Papain注射進入膝關節腔中以誘發退化性膝關節炎,注射頻率為每3天一次,共7天;隨後給予不同濃度之PTH(1-34) (5X10-9M、10-8M、5X10-8M、10-7M)每3天一次及PTH/PLGA微小球 (0.4mg)每15天一次共兩次,實驗週數為5週。評估方式是利用 Safranin-O-Fast green 染色,觀察老鼠膝關節軟骨之氨基葡萄醣 (glycosaminoglycans, GAG);利用免液染色標定法觀察第二型膠原蛋白 (Collagen type II, COL. II) 及第十型膠原蛋白 (Collagen type X, COL. X) 在組織定位之變化。 結果 活體外之結果顯示,PTH/PLGA微小球約90%之粒徑分佈於51.93um~75.94um之間。經電子掃描式顯微鏡觀測後結果顯示,微小球表面會隨著時間的推移逐漸產生降解的現象。致於PLGA包覆PTH(1-34)之包覆率平均可達到72%,並能持續穩定釋放三週,其釋放濃度介於 5X10-9M - 10-7M;並且經ELISA定量cAMP結果顯示,自PTH/PLGA微小球中所釋放出的PTH(1-34)能有效的刺激MC3T3-E1產生cAMP,因此證實PTH/PLGA微小球中釋出的PTH(1-34)仍具有生物活性。 活體內之結果顯示,相較於正常之膝關節組別,單獨給予PTH(1-34)(5X10-9M – 10-7M)或 PTH/PLGA微小球(0.4mg)對於 GAG、COL. II、COL. X 並無統計性差異;而 Papain 誘發退化性關節炎之OA組別給予PTH(1-34)(5X10-9M – 10-7M)或PTH/PLG微小球(0.4mg)後,相較於不給藥之OA組,GAG及 COL. II 表現量皆有顯著提升且統計差異(p<0.01),並且降低 COL. X 的表現,並與正常之膝關節組別無統計上之顯著差異。 結論 本研究結果指出,利用乳化溶劑揮發法所製成的PTH/PLGA微小球,能有效作為PTH(1-34)的藥物載體,並已證實從PTH/PLGA微小球中釋出的PTH(1-34)仍具有生物活性;經由動物實驗結果顯示,每15天注射PTH/PLGA微小球共2次可以和每3天注射一次共11次PTH(1-34) (10-7M、5X10-8M、10-8M、5X10-9M)達到類似的效果,皆能使GAG、COL. II與COL. X回復至與正常無差異,對於非OA組之GAG、COL. II及 COL. X表現量並無影響,顯示PTH/PLGA徐放型微小球具有做為治療退化性關節炎潛力之用藥。


Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease and easily to decrease glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen levels, but the mechanism remains unclear. During OA progression, articular chondrocytes undergo terminal differentiation, and decrease level of GAG and COL. II, but increase level of COL. X, that similar as those during endochondral ossification. Previous studies showed that parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) can suppress hypertrophy and terminal differentiation of chondrocytes. Previous studies also indicated that PTHrP and parathyroid hormone (PTH) share the same receptor, PTHR1, and stimulate activities of adenylate cyclase (PKA pathway) and phospholipase-C (PKC pathway). Our previous finding emphasized that PTH(1-34) can suppress the progress of terminal differentiation in cultured human articular chondrocytes (HACs) and the papain-induced OA in rats. The results showed that intra-articular injection of PTH(1-34) once every 3days suppressed chondrocyte terminal differentiation in osteoarthritis(OA) cartilage and in turn suppressed the progression of OA; however, the treatment strategy is with too frequent injection. To develop an effective carrier for PTH(1-34), which can controlled-release for prolonging duration is critical. We hypothesized that the controlled-release of PTH(1-34) from PLGA encapsulation can suppress progression of OA in early stage. The objective of this work is to develop the PTH(1-34) encapsulated PLGA microspheres and study the effect of controlled-released PTH(1-34) from PLGA microspheres on suppression of the OA progression. Methods The PTH(1-34) encapsulated PLGA microspheres were prepared by a double emulsion method (W/O/W). The surface morphology and size of the microspheres were evaluated by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and particle size analysis, respectively. To mimic the physiological condition the release of PTH(1-34) from PLGA microspheres were incubated in normal saline (0.9% NaCl), and the concentration of PTH(1-34) in the effluent is determined by ELISA. The released PTH(1-34) was biologically active as evidenced by the stimulated release of cAMP from MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cell. In the in vivo study, we studied the effect of different doses of PTH(1-34)(5X10-9M – 10-7M) and PTH/PLGA(0.4mg) on articular cartilage of knee joint of rats in papain-induced OA and non-OA group. The histologic changes in GAG, type II collagen, and type X collage were evaluated with safranin-o stain and immunohistochemistry (IHC) stain, respectively. Results The size of the microspheres was 51.93um~75.94μm. The SEM observation emphasized that the microsphere were constantly decomposed follows the time. The PLGA microspheres can efficiently encapsulated 72% of PTH(1-34), and the PTH released from microspheres was detectable through 3 weeks at consistent rate. The bioactivity data showed that the released PTH(1-34) from microspheres at the 1st and 3rd day increased the cAMP level in MC3T3-E1 cells, indicating the released PTH(1-34) was still bioactive. In the in vivo result, in non-OA cartilages, there were no significant differences on GAG, COL. II and COL. X expressions among the control and drug treatment groups [PTH(1-34)(5X10-9M – 10-7M) and PTH/PLGA(0.4mg)]. In the papain induced OA cartilages, different doses of PTH(1-34)(5x10-9M – 10-7M) and PTH/PLGA(0.4mg) treatments were both capable to reverse papain-induced OA changes by increasing GAG and type II collagen levels and decreasing type X collagen level in the knee cartilage of rats, and which had no difference comparing to the control group. Conclusion The result in this study showed that the feasibility of achieving controlled local delivery of PTH(1-34) and maintain their constant concentration by PLGA encapsulation method. The animal study indicated that the different treatment doses of PTH(1–34)(5X10-9M - 10-7M) and PTH/PLGA(0.4mg) were both capable to inhibit the progression of OA in rats, and had no adverse effect on the cartilage in non-OA group. According to the results, we suggest that intra-articular injection of PTH/PLGA microspheres may be used to treat OA.


Osteoarthritis PTH PLGA microsphere


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