

水稻品種臺南19號(Tainan No.19, TN19)係由臺南區農業改良場於2019年5月命名的早熟優質香米品種,平均生育日數在第一期作為120天,第二期作100天,區域試驗平均每公頃稻穀產量在第一期作為6,001 kg,第二期作3,612 kg,其生育日數及稻穀產量與對照品種臺稉11號相近。臺南19號具有略早熟,稻穀產量穩定、米質優良,米飯帶有芋香味,稻穀耐貯藏性佳,抗葉稻熱病,抗倒伏能力良好且脫粒率適中,適合機械收穫等特色;惟本品種於第二期作成熟期耐寒性稍差,栽培時不宜過晚種植。此外,本品種對於白葉枯病、紋枯病、稻飛蝨等病蟲害抗性不穩定,應注意適時防治。預期新品種將有利於友善栽培之特色生產,提升國產米之競爭力。現有技術:現行水稻香米特色品種臺南13號之白堊質較高,稻穀貯藏時間稍短,造成碾米率差,也影響稻米消費品質。創新內容:水稻臺南19號係臺南13號之白堊質近同源系,具有低白堊質、口感佳的優點,並兼具臺南13號之芋頭香味、抗稻熱病、耐倒伏及穩產等優點。對產業影響:預期可取代臺南13號,將有助於有機、友善之特色栽培,提升稻作產業競爭力。


水稻 臺南19號 育種


Tainan No.19 (TN19), a japonica rice variety, was named and released in May, 2019. In the regional yield trials, the growth duration of this variety was 120 and 100 days, and with an average grain yield of 6,001 kg.ha^(-1) and 3,612 kg.ha^(-1), respectively, in the first and second crop season. The growth duration and yield of TN19 are similar to that of Taikeng No.11 (TK11). In addition, TN19 has other good traits such as good eating quality with aroma, resistance to rice blast, good culm strength and moderate panicle threshability. For the above advantages, TN19 is an ideal variety for environment friendly and specific cultivation. On the other hand, TN19 is sensitive to cold temperature at maturity stage, it is suggested that the transplanting be early in the second crop season to avoid chilling damage. Besides, the resistance is unstable to panicle blast, bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight and planthopper, therefore timely prevention practices during cultivation is necessary. This variety can improve the competitiveness of rice industry in Taiwan. What is already known on this subject? The current aromatic rice variety, Tainan No.13, has higher chalky grain, which results in poor milling rate and also affects consumption quality. What are the new findings? Tainan No.19, a near isogenic line of Tainan No.13, has low chalky grain with high eating quality. Besides it combined the aroma of Tainan No. 13 plus the resistance to rice blast, lodging resistance and the yield is stable. What is the expected impact on this field? It is expected to replace Tainan No. 13, which will help organic and environment friendly cultivation and enhance the competitiveness of the rice industry in the future.


Japonica rice Tainan No.19 Breeding
