



盆栽 盆景 情勢分析 發展策略


Bonsai is originated in China, which has been promoted by Japanese into the West. Bonsai is an upscale of pot culture and treated as arts that are not priced according to free market rules. Taiwan's pot culture has long history and been facing a bottleneck of development. However, there is a potential for Taiwan to develop bonsai industry as economic blooming in China. This is a fundamental study on Taiwan's bonsai industry by interviewing professionals to collect information on the status of pot culture/ bonsai industry and opinions on the future development. In addition, this study has applied situation analysis and proposed transitional schemes for pot culture industry. Participants in bonsai industry are recommended to 1.Diversify market by operating high-quality Bonsai;2.Improve marketing strategies by organizing into associations to promote Bonsai;3.Through naturalness, be independent and various from Japanese by using multiple material sources. Finally, government should initiate the development policy of bonsai industry by conducting regulated potted bonsai exhibitions and competitions, and financially supporting academic research.


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