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Political Propaganda and Resistance to Persuasion: The Research on Advertising Effectiveness Regarding Celebrity Political Endorsements


民主政治是政治菁英爭取選票的競爭過程,台灣選民的投票行為長期以候選人形象為主,而候選人邀請名人來為自己作政治背書,在國內外的選舉過程中,是常見的一種競選策略。本文從名人政治背書的內容對於選民的影響切入,結合政治宣傳、社會距離、態度改變和抗拒說服等概念,檢視名人政治背書廣告所推薦之政黨,是否影響選民的知覺社會距離、政黨建構方式及訊息處理心態,進而干擾廣告中不同政績訴求陳述方式的效果。根據兩個實驗的結果發現:(1)當目標/ 推薦政黨與政黨認同者的政黨偏好一致時,相較於偏好不一致或獨立選民的情況,選民會覺得自己與該政黨的社會距離較近,並對該政黨採取低水平建構;(2)當政黨偏好一致時,低水平陳述可以引發選民較佳的態度反應;反之,若偏好不一致,則高水平陳述可降低選民對於廣告所推薦政黨的敵對態度信心;對於獨立選民,則可藉由高水平陳述提升其出門投票以及票投廣告政黨的意願;(3)政治人物的背書,相較於藝人的背書,可使選民產生較佳的廣告態度、政黨態度以及票投廣告政黨的意願,且上述效果主要出現於具政黨認同者。


Politicians compete for votes through democratic election procedures. Taiwanese voters' voting behavior has been greatly affected by candidate image. Celebrity political endorsement (CPE) has become a frequently used campaign strategy in domestic and foreign election practices. This study aims to investigate how the design of the endorsed content affects voters' responses towards political endorsement advertising. Additionally, combined with related theories and literature on political propaganda, social distance, attitudinal change, and resistance to persuasion, this study examines whether the political parties recommended in ads moderate the effects of different framed appeals regarding party administration performance by changing voters' perceived social distance, modes of mentally construing the parties, andmindsets of processing the messages. The results of the two experiments reveal the following. (1) When the target/recommended party is consistent with voters' individual party preferences (i.e. party consistency), compared to inconsistent or independent voter conditions, the voters' perceived social distance from the party is closer. Additionally, a preference-consistency party causes voters to construe the party at a lower-level. (2) For party identifiers, low-level framing of administration performance can evoke better attitudinal responses from voters under the condition of party consistency. Under the condition of party inconsistency, high-level framing decreases voters' confidence in the form of hostile attitudes towards the advertised party. As to the independent voters, high-level framing can improve their turnout and voting intentions for the advertised party. (3) Political figure endorsement, compared to entertainer endorsement, makes voters generate better ad attitudes, party attitudes, and intentions of voting for the advertised party, especially for party identifiers. The implications of these and other findings are discussed.


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