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Death as the Other in Don DeLillo's White Noise: From the Sensibly Immediate to the Technologically Mediated





死亡 他者 身體 倫理 迪力羅 列維納斯


This paper aims to explore how DeLillo in White Noise (1984) foregrounds death as the ethical relation with the Other in the postmodern age. With his observation of the technologized postmodern society, DeLillo depicts the daily confrontations and obsessions with death as the inevitable encounter with the non-in-different and incommensurable ethical Other. In light of Levinas and Baudrillard, this paper argues that death under DeLillo's formulations is no longer a remote actuality or an impossible possibility in life but is imminent and embodied; it heralds new insights into the technological intrusion into human existence and points to the vulnerability of the postmodern age.


death the Other the body ethics Don DeLillo Levinas


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