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Cherríe Moraga's Ecofeminist Aesthetics toward Reclaiming Chicana Body in Heroes and Saints and Watsonville: Some Place Not Here





This study examines two plays written by Cherríe Moraga, a queer Chicana playwright living in San Francisco Bay Area, from ecofaminist perspectives. These plays- Heroes and Saints and Watsonville- present Chicacas who are victimized in the multi-layered structure of capitalist economic system following environmental devastation, racism, and sexism. Moraga, however, depicts those women's characters not as victims but as resisters who strive to survive, fighting against the oppressive forces of American society.Chicano Theaters have developed as a poignant practice in Chicano farm workers' labor movement. While Moraga's plays share this historical background, they are different from the plays written by male authors, e.g., Luis Valdez, because Moraga with her discourses as a Lesbian Chicana criticizes male-dominated heterosexism in capitalism, which disgraces the natural environment and eventually women's bodies. This paper analyzes how Moraga's two plays can be read in terms of the more advanced ecofeminism which intermixes different aspects of ecofeminism reflecting Moraga's critical stance as a lesbian (queer) Chicana.


Cherríe Moraga Chicana/o queer ecofeminism theater


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