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Space and Memory in the Huashan Event





In response to contemporary social anxieties, performances have been used to recall the past and to invoke collective memory. Such cultural productions and their consequential events provide a space of experience that re-creates cultural meanings and re-shapes memories. The Huashan Event was initiated by the theatrical performance Troy, Troy… Taiwan by Golden Bough Theatre in 1997, a cultural response to the political incident 1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis, and followed by a series of cultural and social events including a police raid, protests, and finally turning the performing space, a deserted government winery, into a public artistic space, known as the Huashan 1914 Creative Park nowadays. Thereafter, numerous deserted government properties have been transformed into public spaces. Through making the Taiwanese government return spaces to the public, the Huashan Event seemed to gain a triumphant result, but the struggles for Taiwanese identity that initiated the whole event kept linger on. By applying the cultural materialist approach alongside with discussions regarding memory and social production of space, this paper focuses on the interconnection of performance, inscription of memory, and the spatial production of cultural meanings in the Huashan Event, and argues that this cultural event redefined its contemporary context and further contributed to produce new meanings and memories that redefined a sense of Taiwaneseness in both its artistic and social aspects.


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