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The "Other" Asia: In Search of a Possible World of Asia



This present paper explores the problems concerning the conceptualization of Asia. To tackle this formidable problem, it undertakes a review of the well-known notion of "Asia as method," investigating its development in relation to the condition of humanity upon which Asia is conceptualized during various historical phases. Further, the paper proposes a new concept of Asia to emphasize its thinking movement that constitutes a philosophical event through creating new concepts. To illustrate this new concept of Asia, the term "the Other Asia" is coined and the famous novel Orphan of Asia by the Taiwanese writer Wu Zhuoliu is also introduced and discussed. This paper argues that the act of problematizing Asia not only has the potential to bring forth a new and better understanding of Asia, but also signals a particular moment in time when a revival of philosophical power in Asia can actually become possible.




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