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在災害應變時,防災單位需要在第一時間彙整及分析臺灣各地的降雨及受災等資訊,以即時地進行應變處置之決策。這些彙整的資料多以簡報方式呈現,並以紙本簡報傳遞,然而,簡報製作及紙本印製需花費大量時間,因此往往無法即時更新及傳遞最新防災資料,導致防災資訊之即時性與正確性不足,以致無法有效率地進行應變決策。為了解決資訊不即時同步的問題,本研究發展質性防災資料傳遞系統(Disaster Show,簡稱D-Show),本研究首先嘗試將紙本化作業改為數位化作業,透過目前已有的網路相簿雲端技術發展D-Show (Image)並於2010年導入實際防災應變作業,解決了資訊不即時同步的問題。然而,歷經4年的防災實務經驗,發現D-Show (Image)仍有管理面、呈現面及操作面等三個面向的問題。因此,本研究改運用雲端硬碟儲存方案,進一步研發出D-Show (Box),D-Show (Box)在管理面提供系統快速部署機制,大幅縮短系統初次設定及後續更新所需要的時間,並用結構化資料命名原則管理者在資料管理的便利性;D-Show (Box)在呈現面可進行防災資料之排序及辨識,讓防災資料能更直覺地呈現;而D-Show (Box)在操作面更能讓使用者進行客製化的防災資料標示及探索,以利防災應變決策之判斷及分析。為了驗證本研究發展之D-Show (Box),研究團隊於2015年進行實際測試,在進行每年一度的D-Show更新時,每台裝置只需3分鐘,相較D-Show (Image)節省約70%的更新時間;而在2015年紅霞颱風事件中,D-Show (Box)的歸檔150份簡報只需2分鐘,可大幅節省約98%的歸檔時間。

Parallel abstracts

When countering disaster, the disaster prevention agencies shall require immediate compiling and analysis on precipitation and disaster data from locations around Taiwan to perform real-time contingency decision making. However, the current briefing is mostly presented with PowerPoint and the information is delivered through printed copies, both require massive amount of time in producing and printing that result in the inability to update and deliver the latest disaster data, making the accuracy and instantaneity of the disaster data questionable and eventually leading to failing to effectively execute the contingency strategies. Owing to that, this research develops a qualitative disaster data delivery system, the Disaster Show (D-Show), to analyze the difficulties of the current disaster data delivery system by targeting the three aspects on management, operation and presentation. To elevate the user convenience in management setting and data managing, D-Show allows the user to conduct disaster data marking and exploration through customization, as well as data sequencing and identification, so that the disaster data could be presented more intuitively for the judgment and analysis of the contingency decision making.


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National Research Council(1994).Facing the Challenge: The U.S. National Report to the IDNDR World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction.Yokohama, Japan:National Academy Press.
Sung, E. X.,Tsai, M. H.,Kang, S. C.(2015).FloodViz: A visual-based decision support system for flood hazard warning.Proceedings of 2015 International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC).(Proceedings of 2015 International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and Mining (ISARC)).:
Power, D. J.(1997).What is a DSS?.The On-Line Executive Journal for Data-Intensive Decision Support.1(3),1-4.
