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Gender Differences in Educational Attainment and International Marriages


本文由婚姻市場教育配對的角度,探討教育成就的性別差異對國際通婚的影響。首先,「人力資源調查」的資料顯示,男女教育程度逐漸相近的長期趨勢中,國中以下男性和大學以上女性,在婚姻市場上尋得對象的比例持續下降。其次,「男高女低」的婚配型態在教育程度這個面向上確實存在,表現在婚姻市場上便是高教育程度女性和低教育程度男性未婚比例的提高。使用2000年戶口普查的個體資料,multinomial logit模型的迴歸分析顯示,婚姻市場上男性平均教育年數的提高,會降低本國男性娶外籍新娘的機率,也會降低本國女性嫁外籍新郎的機率。最後,通婚男性的教育程度分配較整體男性教育程度的分配為低,通婚女性則屬於教育程度較高的一群,這和教育成就性別差異的縮小引發國際通婚現象的假說一致。

Parallel abstracts

This paper studies the effects of gender differences in educational attainment on international marriages. Data from ”Manpower Survey” show that the probabilities of getting married for both men with low education and women with higher education is decreasing as the educational gap shrinks. Hypogamy in educational attainment indeed exists in the marriage market. Furthermore, using individual data from 2000 Census, multinomial logit regressions show that the increase of men's average years of schooling will reduce the probability of marrying both foreign brides and foreign grooms. Finally, compare to their counterparts in domestic marriages, men marrying foreign birdes are less educated while women marrying foreign grooms are better educated. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the decrease of geneder gap in educational attainment leads to the phenomenon of international marriages.


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