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The Effect of Clean Water on Long Term Health and Education Outcomes: Evidence from Japanese Colonial Taiwan 1909-1933



Parallel abstracts

We use Taiwan's pipe water construction in the early 20th century as a natural experiment. By linking hisrorical Japanese colonial era data and contemporary population census and survey of the elderly data, we examine whether the number of households with hydrants per thousand people at birth will affect education, health, and marriage status years later. OLS estimates show that the number of households with hydrants per thousand people is positively correlated with education, marriage status and the health of the elderly. To solve the endogeneity problem, we use one-year lagged sales and miscellaneous taxes as instrumental variables. 2SLS still shows the positive correlation between clean water and later developmental outcomes. And its effect is larger than that of OLS. Overall, our evidence confirms the existence of long term effect of clean water access infancy, and provides a basis for the discussion of early childhood intervention policy.


台灣總督官房統計課(1908-1933),《台灣人口動態統計》,台北:台灣總督官房統計課。(Toukei Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou (1909-1933) ,Taiwan Jinkou Doutai Toukei, Taipei: Toukei Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou.)
台灣總督官房統計課 (1909-1940) , 《台灣現住人口統計》,台北:台灣總督官房統計課。(Toukei Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou (1909-1940), Taiwan Genjuu Jinkou Toukei, Taipei: Toukei Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou.)
台灣總督官房調查課 (1909-1940) , 《台灣總督府統計書》,台北市:台灣總督官房調查課。(Chousa Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou (1909-1940), Taiwan Soutoku Fu Toukei Sho, Taipei: Chousa Ka, Taiwan Soutoku Kanbou.)
台灣總督府內務局 (1915) ,《台灣水道誌》,台北:台灣總督府內務局。(Naimu Kyoku, Taiwan Soucoku Fu (1915), Taiwan Suidou Shi, Taipei: Naimu Kyoku, Taiwan Souroku Fu.)
行政院主計處 (1980),《台閩地區戶口及住宅普查》,行政院主計處。(Direccorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) (1980), Population and Housing Census Taiwan-Fukien Area, Taipei: Direccorare-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan.)
