依據國際研究暨顧問機構Gartner 2011年3月報告指出,全世界221個城市居住了超過1百萬的人口,而到2030年,將會有50億的人口居住於城市內,且估計全世界每年大概有7千萬的人湧入都會型城市居住,因此都會型城市所要提供的服務需求大幅上升,同時隨著世界人口增加且逐漸遷移到核心城市,讓城市在技術、企業、政府、資源消耗及生活品質等層面所扮演的角色及影響力越來越重要。伴隨著科技產業與資通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)的逐漸蓬勃發展,造就了智慧城市(Smart City)策略及議題在近幾年來成為勢在必行的都市規劃重點,並且經常需要與其他城市或區域產生競合關係,共同創造成功的經濟發展(CEC, 2009)。因此智慧城市不只是科技與技術發展的概念,是一種城市中社會經濟的成長,且不是單一項長期的計畫,而是一套連續性的短期計畫所組成,以循序漸進的方式達成願景與目標,而最重要的是民眾對於其認同使與是否可融入日常生活中,讓民眾生活更加智慧及便利化。故本研究立基於過去系列研究基礎上,透過有關智慧城市發展模式的相關研究成果,將從民眾參與的角度出發,並選定雲林、金門及台北等三種不同類型之城鎮作為研究對象,探討智慧城市的使用者(民眾)及政策執行者(地方政府)在智慧城市民眾參與策略中的偏好,並從中進一步並歸納應優先執行之項目類別,作為後續計畫研擬與學術研究之依據。
Along with the development of high-tech industry and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the strategies and issues of smart city have become the focus of city plan for the recent years. Additionally, collaboration with other cities or regions often occurs to create a successful economic development (CEC, 2009). Therefore, smart city is not just a concept of technology development, but the growth of social economy. It is not a single, long-term project; instead, it is consisted of a series of short-term projects, achieving the goals step by step. In other words, smart city is not just a single concept, but a multi-scale and multi-level concept. Neither is it the motivation of infrastructure, nor is it the promotion of service. Smart city is now a global movement, rather a local phenomenon. More importantly, the public identity of smart city will bring intelligent application and convenience to our lives. Based on the previous studies of the development of smart city, this research, from the perspective of public participation, selects three different types of cities, Yunlin, Kinmen, and Taipei, for further investigation. The study investigates the preferences of users (public) and policy enforcer (local government) in participation and strategy smart city, and further categorizes and prioritizes the items to be executed.