  • 期刊


Research of the Revitalization of Xinhua Historic Districts in the context of Local Stakeholders Perspectives




Since the promulgation of Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for the Revitalization of Historic Street Districts in 2012, the stakeholders have earned opportunities to participate in the revitalization of historic districts. From a trend perspective of public management, the effect of local revitalization could be limited to fixing historic built environment and fuse the context of cultural governance with local knowledge. With the observational method and in-depth interview, this research study on competition, cooperation and contradiction between the local stakeholders' types in case of Xinhua Historic Districts revitalization, and with the result, the related plans could be evaluated before the project implementation. Firstly, the stakeholders' group differences are inferred by making deductions from stake types of interest, ownership and right. And then, based on this, the dynamics process of their status change are analyzed. The study found that action strategies, such as festivals, fairs, and competitions, will facilitate the local common value system. Meanwhile, to form public identification, economic issues are more manageable than the social and the environmental. Some stakeholders translate their status actively by renting or volunteering to manage historical objects and change the owners' scheduled action guidelines. On the contrary, the form preservation is not the sole issue of cultural heritage care. Furthermore, the local revitalization promotion business is run with the key phrase of the public contribution.


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