在國際學術界中,近幾年提出新概念-循環生物經濟(Circular Bioeconomy,CBE),是以生物資源為主的循環利用,此部分在臺灣企業中已發展許多類似CBE的循環概況。而在CBE產業鏈中,所謂再製工廠(場)的「區位選址」極為重要,其區位的設置影響企業與其他產業鏈的效益,因此,本研究以深度訪談法(In-depth interview)來收集資料,並以樣版式分析法(Template analysis)進行分析。而研究分析架構,將梳理CBE產業鏈製程、制度環境與再製工廠(場)其區位因素之間的影響關係為何,從中釐清CBE產業鏈中再製工廠(場)的區位選址考量,藉以探究CBE產業鏈之間的關係與制度環境如何影響再製工廠(場)其區位因素。經歸整發現,CBE產業鏈之間包含「區位」與「合作」關係。且根據結論,CBE產業鏈中再製工廠(場)的區位因素,可藉由生物技術產品其附加價值高或低,及企業發展階段做區分。最後,基於臺灣目前現況發展,在實務方面建議操作類似CBE的農業相關部門,包含中央單位與其底下的研究機構,及各縣市地方政府,甚至負責國土規劃的空間規劃者,在進行這類再製工廠(場)之區位選址時,應審視自身對空間的需求,進行資源盤點,並嘗試與其他相關的公司或單位合作,以找到最適宜的區位選址,促使經濟、社會與環境皆能永續發展。
In the international academic community, a new concept - Circular Bioeconomy (CBE) has been put forward in recent years, which is based on the recycling of biological resources, to solve the climate change caused by environmental pollution and the sharp decline of energy and resources. Accordingly, in the CBE industry chain, the "location selection" of remanufacturing plants is important, it affects the benefits of the company itself, and the benefits of the entire CBE industry chain. Therefore, this research hopes to explore the interaction between the CBE industry chain, and the location selection and location of factories in the CBE industry chain. And explore how the relationship between the CBE industry chain and the institutional environment affect the location factors of the remanufacturing plant. Use in-depth interviews to conduct interviews with relevant companies and research Since there is no relevant research to explore the location analysis of the CBE industry chain, this research attempts to define the concept of CBE in the part of the literature review and takes this concept as the scope of research. Using in-depth interview to conduct interviews with relevant companies and research institutions and conduct data analysis in template analysis. The results are found that the location factors of the remanufacturing plants in the CBE industry chain is affected by the high and low technical thresholds of biotechnology products, and the development of different stages of enterprises. Therefore, agricultural-related departments and spatial planners operating like CBE should conduct resource inventory when selecting the location of remanufacturing plants in the CBE industry chain and find the most suitable location selection through cooperation.