

堊骨質骨化性纖維瘤(cemento-ossifying fibroma)是一種罕見的良性纖維骨性疾病,在良性腫瘤中比例小於5%,多見於20~40歲,女性比男性多,在頭頸部好發於下頜,少見於上頜。本院於2004年遭遇一例32歲菲籍女士,以左側面部隆起腫塊為初步表徵,電腦斷層顯示疑似上頜腫瘤,以唇下路徑(sublabial approach)切除,最後病理診斷為上頜堊骨質骨化性纖維瘤,術後追蹤迄今逾1年,無復發跡象。鑒於此病於國內並不多見,故提出此一案例報告。


Cemento-ossifying fibroma is a rare type of benign fibro-osseous lesion. It contributes to less than 5% of benign neoplasm. There is a female preponderance and the disease is prevalent between between the age of 20 years and 40 years. Occurrence in the mandible is much more common than in the maxilla. A 32-year-old female presented at our department with left facial swelling. Computerized tomography revealed a possible neoplasm of the left maxilla. Using a sublabial approach, it was excised completely. The pathological report identified cemento-ossifying fibroma and the patient has now been followed up for more than 1 year with no recurrence detected.
