Most cervical osteophytes are not clinically symptomatic, but some may contribute to swallowing disorder or globus pharyngis. A 67-year-old woman presented with globus pharyngis and occasional dysphagia for ten years. A protruded firm mass was noted over her retropharyngeal wall. Sinus X-ray and esophagogram did not show any abnormality. A cervical spine X-ray and a computed tomography showed an osteophyte developed from anterior tubercle of the atlas, spurs formed in the other inter-vertebral body joints, and anterior longitudinal ligament calcified. However, she refused any surgical removal of the osteophyte. Then, an anti-reflux therapeutic trial was recommended. Surprisingly, five weeks later, the globus pharyngis subsided. Over the following half a year, it was uneventful. Therefore, her globus pharyngis was attributable to laryngopharyngeal reflux instead of the cervical osteophyte. We introduce an alternative idea that globus pharyngis should be attributable to gastroesophageal reflux disease.