  • 期刊


The Association between Precarious Employment and Health Status among Employees in Taiwan




Objectives: This study investigated the prevalence of precarious employment and its association with health status among employees in Taiwan. Methods: We analyzed data from a national survey of 9303 male and 7165 female employees aged 25~65 years in 2007. Information with regard to the types of employment was obtained by questionnaire and dichotomized into permanent employment vs. precarious employment; the latter included contract-based, temporary, short-term, seasonal, or outsourced employment. Health status was also assessed by the questionnaire. This included self-rated health, job dissatisfaction, days of absenteeism due to sickness, bodily pain, and burnout status. Results: The results showed that 21% of employees were on precarious employment. For both genders, precarious employment was more prevalent among employees who were older, had a lower level of education, were in lower grades of employment, were employed in smaller enterprises, and had shorter working hours. When compared to workers with permanent employment, precarious employees had poorer self-rated health, higher levels of job dissatisfaction, higher risk of absenteeism due to sickness, more bodily pain, and higher scores for burnout status. Conclusions: These results suggested that workers with precarious employment were more likely to be exposed to adverse work conditions and had poorer health. These issues should be targets for health promotion at the worksite.


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