Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate how health status moderated the relationship between gender-pattern housework and life satisfaction from a sample of middle-aged and older adults living with a partner in Taiwan. Methods: The data source was the 6th issue of the "Taiwan Social Change Survey". The subjects (N=589) were restricted to people aged 55 or older. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate how health status moderated the relationship between gender-pattern housework and life satisfaction. Results: (1) Health status was positively associated with life satisfaction for older adults. (2) The moderation of health status on the relationship between the performance of traditional masculine housework and life satisfaction varied by gender. Older male adults tended to have higher life satisfaction when they had poor health and did additional traditional masculine housework; however, they tended to have lower life satisfaction when they had good health, and did additional traditional masculine housework. Older female adults who were in good health and did additional traditional masculine housework, tended to have higher life satisfaction; however, when older women with poor health did additional traditional masculine housework, they tended to have lower life satisfaction. Conclusions: For future studies, the relationship between gender-pattern housework and life satisfaction should consider not only gender differences but also health status, especially for older adults. In terms of policy, housework and health status should be considered together as an important condition for the independent living of older adults.