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Governmental Conservation Institutions, Socioeconomic Change and Indigenous Hunting: An Empirical Analysis of Institutional Interplay in a Truku Case




制度 原住民 狩獵 共有資源 保育 太魯閣族

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Indigenous hunting and its impact on wildlife represents one of the most critical and controversial issues in Taiwan. This study aims to investigate the interplay between governmental conservation institutions and indigenous hunting norms in an anonymous Truku area. The empirical results show that, over the long term between the 1970s and mid-2000s, socioeconomic change has played a pivotal role, and has exerted a relatively slow but significant influence on indigenous hunting norms, while governmental conservation institutions have played a minor role. In such external institutional settings, Truku hunting territory norms remain robust. However, since the mid-2000s, strict legal enforcement by governmental institutions has resulted in a more rapid decline in indigenous hunting territories. In the long run, wildlife populations have significantly recovered. At the same time, indigenous hunting activities have dramatically declined, and nowadays indigenous hunting norms are increasingly losing their influence. Finally, we discuss the normative implications of the empirical findings. We suggest that, in friendly external institutional settings, Truku hunting territory norms are quite robust. Accordingly, in cooperating with the future framework of Truku self governance, a wildlife co-management proposal governed by both the governmental conservation institutions and Truku hunting norms may become feasible.


中央社,2010,〈馬總統指示落實原住民問題應秉持四原則〉,http://times.hinet.net/times/article.do.newsid=2988353&option=politics,查閱時間:2010/05/10。Central News Agency. 2010. “Ma zongtong zhishi luoshi yuanzhumin wenti ying bingchi si yuanze” [President Ma Instructs Four Principles to Implement Indigenous Issues]. (Accessed on May 10, 2010).
王學新(1998)。日據時期東臺灣地區原住民史料彙編與研究。南投=Nantou:台灣省文獻委員會=Taiwan Archives Council。

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