  • 期刊


Why Do Mandarin Popular Songs Usually Deal with Break-Ups? The Therapeutic Potential of Sentimental Ballads




Returning to the ordinary world is the current trend in indigenous psychology for understanding psycho-cultural meanings. Previous research has shown that Chinese people who are experiencing a breakup tend to down-regulate their negative emotions by listening to sentimental ballads, many of which encourage people to view their breakup experience from a positive perspective. The present study explores the artistic nature of the verse-chorus form of sentimental ballads, and the mental therapeutic effects of this form in terms of song contents and listeners’ mental processes. We analyzed the meanings of Mandarin sentimental ballads in terms of historical context and contemporary norms, clarifying the characteristics of different song passages. A finger temperature measurement experiment (39 participants, mean age = 22.5 years) and a brain-imaging experiment (15 participants, 21-26 years-old) provided valuable information about the relationship between song lyrics/music and resilience. The results suggest that changes in the lyrics and musical arrangement in the third chorus may be critical to mental therapeutic effects. The mid-posterior temporal cortex may be involved in semantic and musical processing, while the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex and the inferior frontal gyrus may integrate song information to down-regulate negative emotions. Our preliminary findings have implications for the role of emotion-cognition interactions in music therapy. This interdisciplinary evidence-based research not only resulted in an innovative approach to identify the mechanism underlying music therapy, but also integrated different research paradigms to explore the mind sciences in the context of culture.


朱侃如譯、Campbell, J.(1997)。千面英雄。台北:立緒文化公司。
