近年正念融入運動場域逐漸普及化,正念所帶來的健康效益受到重視,而「身體活動正念狀態量表」為身體活動情境中最廣泛使用之工具。身體活動是提升整體身心健康的重要行為,然目前尚未有中文版本檢驗身體活動期間之正念如何提升其情意、認知與行為的相關內容。是以,本研究旨在建立「中文版身體活動正念狀態量表」(Chinese version of the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity, CSMS-PA),以評估特定身體活動期間的正念狀態。研究分為二階段,研究一為英文量表的中文化翻譯,並以755位大學生為對象(男生278位、女生477位;平均年齡19.50 ± 1.95歲),進行驗證性因素分析與多群組不變性檢驗;研究二以281位體育課大學生為對象(男生160位、女生121位;平均年齡18.51 ± 1.11歲),針對CSMS-PA進行構念效度檢驗。研究結果顯示:CSMS-PA包含心理狀態與身體狀態2個構念,共12題,依循各構念測量模式顯示具有良好的模式適配指標,且量表具有跨群組不變性;接續,CSMS-PA各構念整體具有顯著相關性。本研究結論認為CSMS-PA具有良好信效度之測量工具,可提供未來健身運動、體育課等場域測量正念狀態之依循,以深化華人身體活動正念狀態的理論意涵。
Integrating mindfulness into physical activity has gained widespread popularity, emphasizing its positive impact on health. The widely used "State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity" lacks a Chinese version to assess how mindfulness during physical activity affects emotions, cognition, and behavior. This study aims to fill this gap by developing the "Chinese version of the State Mindfulness Scale for Physical Activity" (CSMS-PA) to evaluate mindfulness during specific physical activities. The research was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved translating the English scale into Chinese and validating it with 755 college students (278 males, 477 females; mean age 19.50 ± 1.95 years). Confirmatory factor analysis and multigroup invariance tests were employed. The second phase included 281 college students participating in physical education courses (160 males, 121 females; mean age 18.51 ± 1.11 years) to assess CSMS-PA's construct validity. Results showed that CSMS-PA comprises two constructs, psychological and physical states, with 12 items. The measurement model for each construct demonstrates strong fit indices, and the scale exhibits consistency across diverse groups. Significant correlations are observed among the various constructs of CSMS-PA. In conclusion, CSMS-PA emerges as a reliable and valid measurement tool, providing a foundation for assessing mindfulness during physical activities in contexts such as fitness and sports courses. This contributes significantly to a deeper theoretical understanding of mindfulness states during physical activity within the Chinese population.