The average age of first sex has declined over the years in Taiwan. Unprotected sex at first sex has become one of the ways through which adolescents might contract AIDS or obtain unwanted pregnancy. There is still a lack of understanding about ecological predictors of early sex experience among Taiwanese late adolescents. This study, based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, selected microsystem (individual), meso-system (family, school, and peer), and macro-system (socioeconomic status) factors, and examined their influences on early sex experience. Data were derived from Taiwan Youth Project, a longitudinal survey conducted since 2000, targeting 7th and 9th grade high school students in North Taiwan. This study utilized 7th grade follow-up data collected in 2005 (age 18) and in 2007 (age 20). The analytic sample consisted of 1125 unmarried respondents, 49.24% males. In 2007, 80.3% of them were students, 27.41% having early sex experience (under the age of 20). The results of hierarchical logistic regression analysis found some similarities between sexes. For both sexes, smoking and alcohol use increased odds of early sex experience, but having a student status reduced odds of early sex experience. Odds of early sex experience for males who smoked in the past year was 3.04 times greater than those who did not smoke; for females who smoked, the odds of early sex experience was 2.94 times greater. This study also found some sex dissimilarities. A higher level of family income increased odds of early sex experience only among males. In contrast, higher level of peer support increased odds of early sex experience only among females. Finally this study makes suggestions of future study.