  • 期刊


A Review of Empirical Studies on Art Criticism Education from 2005 to 2015


學術期刊能反映專門學科關注的議題,學者們發表研究結果,提出觀點和分析。由是,檢視藝術教育期刊的論文,可豐富、更新和修正對現有知識的認知。在藝術教育的領域,藝術批評的角色益見重要,惟現有文獻鮮有對此範疇的實證研究作有系統的歸納、分析和論述。本評析旨在探討有關藝術批評教育實證研究的方法與成果,且省思藝術批評教育發展之問題。研究者檢閱了由2005 至2015 年期間在八份藝術教育期刊出版的39 篇實證研究。這些研究多為質性研究,規模較小,對象是正規學校的學生。大部分研究著重探討影響藝術批評教學的成效以及學童和青少年藝評回應的特性,其成果能為教學提供參考。本評析最後對藝術批評教育的發展作出反思,並建議一些需要研究的範疇。


Academic journals are the arena where concerns of academic disciplines are discussed. Through the publication of research results, scholars present their analysis of specific questions related to the discipline. Therefore, reviews of empirical research published in academic journals are a way to enrich, renew and revise our knowledge of the discipline. Art criticism has become increasingly important in the field of art education, however, there is little systematic review and analysis of related empirical research. This review aims to examine the methods and results of empirical studies on art criticism teaching and learning, and to reflect on the latest development and current practices in the field. Thirty-nine empirical studies on art criticism learning published in eight art education journals from 2005 to 2015 were reviewed. Most of the studies were small-scale qualitative research on students in school settings. The review reveals that many of the studies focused on the effectiveness of specific art criticism teaching and learning methods and investigated the characteristics of students' critical response. The research findings provide practical implications for pedagogy implementation. The review concludes by reflecting on the development of art criticism education and identifying areas that require further research.


課程發展議會、香港考試及評核局(2015)。視覺藝術課程及評估指引(中四至中六)。香港=Hong Kong:課程發展議會=Curriculum Development Council。
