  • 期刊


Public Participation and the Effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): The Implications of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Consensus Meetings on Sea Reclamation by Solid Disposals




The Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/SEA) system in Taiwan has long been plagued by a lack of public participation. Although the Taiwan EPA decided to incorporate some democratic elements, [in the past] the largely ritualistic procedures only caused more gridlock. This article explores the SEA process on "Sea Reclamation by Solid Disposals" (SRSD) in 2012, when an unprecedented series of citizens' meetings were sponsored by the EPA. The EPA learned that high-quality civil discussion contributed to greater accountability in policy-making, diverse knowledge-sharing that increased awareness of alternatives, and improvements to the legal system that could positively impact future [environmental] monitoring. The EPA thus decided to conduct another series of public consultations based on a new policy of collaborative and deliberative efforts. This case suggests that, through a systematic and rigorous consensus-building process, the introduction of lay citizens' perspectives helped clarify the social conditions of policy implementation. Therefore, it could provide a model for communicating scientific rationales to the public, giving impetus to collaborative solutions, and promoting administrative efficiency by overcoming common policy-making hurdles. It also reveals that the cumbersomeness of the EIA process is not the result of participation by the public. On the contrary, such participation empowers citizens and holds the potential to break policy gridlock.


《大紀元電子報》(2012),〈廢棄物填海造島台環保署積極推動 〉。https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/12/1/9/n3481698.htm(檢索日期:2019 年 8 月 30 日)。
《環境資訊電子報》(2012a),〈結合港區環署擬推廢棄物填海〉。https://e-info.org.tw/node/73169(檢索日期:2019 年8 月 30 日)。
《環境資訊電子報》(2012b),〈廢棄物填海造島(陸) 公民共識:不宜貿然實施〉。https://e-info.org.tw/node/79708(檢索日期:2012年 8 月 20 日)。
《環境資訊電子報》(2014a),〈填海造島政策專家會議完結學者環團疑慮仍多〉。http://e-info.org.tw/node/101910(檢索日期:2019 年8 月 30 日)。
《環境資訊電子報》(2014b),〈「資源循環利用法」卡關 10 年魏國彥與環團會面求解〉。http://e-info.org.tw/node/99604(檢索日期:2019 年 8 月 30 日)。
