  • 期刊


The Way of Salvation of Vajrayāna Buddhism




輪迴 涅槃 五蘊 成就法 尊格


The Latter Esoterism of Indian Buddhism still prevails in Tibet and the Himalayan kingdoms today. The term "Vajrayāna Buddhism" is used to refer to developments that took place in Tibet and survived in the Tibetan Buddhist cultural sphere. Vajrayāna dogmatics are extremely difficult because they are based, above all, on direct experiences and immediate realizations, and do not put emphasis on doctrinal speculations. The latter are borrowed from the various Mahāyāna schools, either Mādhyamika, or Yogācāra; they represent the premises from which the Vajrayāna masters started and upon which they built the psychological subtleties of their liturgies and of their yoga practices. The paper is divided into six parts. The first part is preface; it delineates the situation of Vajrayāna Buddhism, concerning some problems, in the whole Indian Buddhism. Secondly, the three main axes-karma, saṃsāra and nirvāṇa-should be explained. The third part is about our personality, an aggregate of five constituents (five skandhas), corresponding to its Maṇḍala. In the fourth part, two sādhanas are illustrated (sādhana: means of propitiating them and obtaining their beatific vision or their help. In this paper, it means ways or methods of visualizing a deity). The fifth part examines the symbols the deity presents. Finally, in the sixth part, it is concluded that Vajrayāna Buddhism is the world's culture heritage.


karma samsara nirvana five-skandhas sadhana deity



