  • 會議論文
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Sakyamuni Buddha and Intrinsic Buddha: The Rationale of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Restructuring of the Diamond Sutra




In his book, Describing the Indescribable, Venerable Master Hsing Yun systematically restructured the Diamond Sutra. The rationale for it was the integration of the two theories of buddha nature-Sakyamuni Buddha and Intrinsic Buddha. The Sakyamuni Buddha theory of buddha nature has transformed the "emptiness" theory into "Buddhism in daily living," while the Intrinsic Buddha theory has reinterpreted the conditioned arising Buddhism as "Buddhism arising from the mind." Concurrently, the two systems of buddha nature theories are intertwined. Due to the veneration of Sakyamuni Buddha, Buddhism arising from the mind has mitigated the iconoclasm and derision of Buddhist scriptures. On account of the emphasis on the Intrinsic Buddha, worldly Buddhism in daily living is sacralized. The interplay between the two theories has demonstrated the qualities of the middle way and perfect harmony in Humanistic Buddhism as advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
