過往親子性溝通的研究多半注重溝通的量,而忽略溝通的質,使研究結果無法告訴父母該如何溝通。本研究旨在了解溝通因素對父母親子性溝通之影響,以做為學校或機構設計親職教育與輔導之參考。研究樣本為159位台北市高中職父母。研究工具包括:性溝通主題、支持性的性溝通(Supportive Sex Communication)量表、家庭性溝通信念、性溝通態度、溝通過程與人口學變項等。支持性的性溝通量表驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis)顯示量表符合理論架構。統計分析控制性別、年齡、社會經濟地位等人口學變項。研究發現,性溝通議題可依據其敏感程度分為三類:廣泛性議題、狹義性議題與禁忌性議題,其中廣泛性議題溝通頻率最高,禁忌性議題率最低。複迴歸控制社會人口變項後顯示,影響這三類議題的因素不同,其中支持性的性溝通分數愈高,則廣泛性議題與狹義性議題溝通頻率亦愈高。母親以及對自己的溝通效果愈沒有期待的,廣泛性溝通頻率亦愈高。對禁忌性議題而言,沒有一個變項具有預測力。另外,支持性性溝通分數高的父母對孩子較信任、對溝通效果較沒有期待、溝通過程較願意開放自己、較尊重孩子想法,其性溝通滿意度亦愈高。本研究對研究限制提出討論,並對親職教育如何協助父母跟孩子談「性」,以及未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between parental supportive sex communication, family sex communication beliefs, sex communication attitude, and parent-child communication about sex topics. Participants were 159 parents of high school students from a senior high school and a vocational high school in Taipei City, Taiwan. Research tools included the Supportive Sex Communication Scale, Sexual Communication Topic Questionnaire, Parental Beliefs about Family Sex Communication Scale, and General Sex Communication Attitude Scale. An exploratory factor analysis of the sexual communication topics generated three factors: General sex topics, Specific sex topics, and Taboo sex topics. General sex topics obtained the highest communication frequency mean score and the Taboo sex topics obtained the lowest. Multiple regression analyses controlling for demographic variables indicated that the three sex topics differed in predictor variables. Supportive communication was positively related to communication frequencies on General sex topic and Specific sex topics. The less expectation parents held for their talks, the more frequently they talked about General sex topics. However, none of the predictor variables significantly predicted communication frequencies on Taboo sex topics. Furthermore, ANCOVA and chi-square analyses showed that supportive parents were characterized as being more open and honest, having more trust toward their children, having more respect for their children's opinions, and having less expectation for effects of their talks. They also had higher satisfactory scores on parent-child sex communication. Suggestions for future research and school parental education and counseling programs were also made according to research findings.