In scholastic works about Tiantai teaching, the term ”Contemplating the Mind” is frequently understood as a method of practice. However, if we take the entire corpus of Zhiyi's writings in account, ”Contemplating the Mind” also appears to be a hermeneutical method at the same time Particularly, interpretative scriptures as the Subtle Meaning of the Lotus sutra and the Textual Commentary on the Lotus sutra in Tiantai tradition use the phrase ”interpretation in accordance to contemplating the mind” to indicate these scriptures conclusive views referring to issues previously discussed. It would be a too narrow understanding of ”contemplating the mind” to say that it is purely a method of practice; whereas this term's interpretation as hermeneutical method must face the possible objection that this could imply the meaning of arbitrary or subjective interpretation According to my own investigations on Tiantai thought. I would suggest that Zhiyi just holds a position of mutual correspondence between practical method and hermeneutical method. Here, hermeneutics is not only the theoretical or intellectual act of knowing. but it also conveys the meaning of the practical act of experience, in either case the ultimate tenet of the two remains the so called ”real mark of all dharmas” Consequently, this viewpoint challenges a new reflection on the issue of 'hermeneutical acts', referring to both the limit between the practical and theoretical as well as the potential connection between Tiantai Buddhist hermeneutical theory and western viewpoints in hermeneutics.