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Environmentalist Monk (phra nak anuraksa)'s Civil Right Movement in Rural Area of Thailand: Its Original in 70'S Left-winged Political Monk


當代泰國的保育僧侶(phra nak anuraksa)是由藉著樹木出家(buat ton mai),所推動的環境生態保育運動,更涉及僧侶試圖維護及重建農村的權益,以免於國家意志的無止境膨脹。本文以此為線索,轉而追溯該等從事各類社會運動的僧侶類型,其在七零年代的淵源,即「左翼政治僧侶」。因此本文是探討樹木出家等泰國僧侶社會運動是如何在實踐與理念上,繼承與發展七零年代的「左翼政治僧侶」傳統。本文由兩節組成,第一節是對七零年代左翼政治僧侶的說明,從相關概念的說明出發,進而說明左翼政治僧侶運動本身,及其與農民處境及政治獨裁之間的關係。第二節是探討從七零與九零年代兩代泰國僧侶所推動的佛教社會運動之間的跨代連繫,包括當中的繼承與發展。最後是結論。

Parallel abstracts

Through the movement of tree ordination (buat ton mai) since the early 80'S, the Environmentalist Monk (phra nak anuraksa) of Thai Theravada sangha has tried to protect and maintain the civil right of the rural communities. They have demanded for the local communities' social-economical-political equality to encounter the continued expansion of the state power. The purpose of this article is to identify the ideological and practical origin of the Environmentalist Monk up to the Leftist-winged Political Monks of Thai sangha in the early 70s. The article is composed of two major sections. Firstly, I will investigate how the Leftist-winged Political Monk and the Environmental Monk of different decades may share common concerns related to peasant's situation and the political dictatorship. Secondly, the continuities and differences between the two generations of Thai Buddhist social movements organized by the monastic members are examined. The last part shall be the conclusion.


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