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Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology: A Pneumatological Christological Perspective




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This paper, firstly, demonstrates the internal problem of Paul Tillich’s theology in general and theological method in particular in shifting his logos Christology to Spirit-Christology. The motif "particularity-universality" as a key notion is not well-balance through the theological development. Secondly, this paper proposes that the doctrine of Trinity, well-articulated in Tillich’s 1913 work and finds little attention in his mature work, provides a more fruitful and embracing symbol to release the tension and keep it in a dialectical way.


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Cooper, John C.(1997).The "Spiritual Presence" in the Theology of Paul Tillich.Macon:Mercer University Press.
Gilkey, Langdon(2000).Gilkey on Tillich.Eugene:Wipf and Stock Publishers.
Lai, Pan-chiu(1994).Towards a Trinitarian Theology of Religions: A Study of Paul Tillich's Thought.Kampen:Kok Pharos.

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