語言接觸是造成語言變化真重要的一个因素,tī台灣,華語kap台語長期koh頻繁的接觸已經hōo雙方攏產生變化,無論是語音、詞彙抑是句法攏互相受著影響,而且影響iáu-koh繼續teh進行。本文beh探討台語kap華語接觸的過程中,所產生的台語語音頂頭的變化。筆者有觀察著兩个受華語影響的所在:頭一今受影響的所在是,華語有影響著台灣優勢音變體的等化(leveling),tī tsia beh 以〈居〉字母(包括魚韻字kap真欣痕韻舌根聲母字)的字類做例,進行探討。第二个所在是,華語有影響著台語文白選用的優先順序甚至是文白音的分立生態。 本文假設華語的「齊齒韻」kap「合口韻」、「撮口韻」的對立間接牽引著台語〈居〉字母持續分化做i讀kap u讀兩條路線,結果顯示,以少年輩的台語人來講,漳泉對立的差別已經無明顯,有一定的程度in是受著華語語音的牽引teh區別〈居〉字母的i讀kap u讀。另外一方面,少年輩文白無分的情形mā顯示in tī文白音選用的動機有受著華語語音的影響,致使kap華語語音khah接近的文讀音成做in的優先選擇,相對tik, kap華語語音距離khah遠的白話音tī in的語言使用習慣內底比老一輩的減少真濟。
Language contact is one of the major factors that lead to language change. In Taiwan, the long-term and frequent contact between Mandarin and Taiwanese has resulted in various changes, which are still ongoing, in both languages at phonetic, lexical, and syntactic levels. This study aims to investigate the phonetic variations in Taiwanese, which are induced by its contact with Mandarin. It is proposed that Taiwanese has been phonetically influenced by Mandarin in two aspects. First, Mandarin has played a role on the leveling between the phonetic variants of Tai-uan-iu-se-im, or Taiwanese predominant accents. The ki/ku variable in Taiwanese is no longer a pure Tsiang-tsiu/Tsuan-tsiu dialectal distinction among young Taiwanese speakers; the corresponding pronunciation in Mandarin has more influence on the selection from [i] and [u] variants. Second, the colloquial and literary pronunciations in Taiwanese have been blurred. The corresponding Mandarin pronunciation, to certain degrees, determines the selection from these two pronunciations, as in the Tsiang-tsiu/Tsuan-tsiu contrast mentioned above. The literary pronunciation, in general, is preferred by the young speakers as it is phonetically more similar to Mandarin.