越南kap台灣lóng差不多tī 17世紀ê時透過西方宣教師kā羅馬字傳入國內。Tī越南,宣教師設計ê羅馬字經過sió-khóa修改liáu,路尾tī 1945年取代喃字kap漢字,chiâⁿ做越南ê正式文字。m-koh,台灣白話字soah iáu毋是真普遍ê使用。m-nā án-ne,khah慢來ê漢字soah乞食趕廟公,chiâⁿ做台灣目前主要ê書寫文字。本文以語言學kap社會語言學ê角度來分析越南kap台灣ê羅馬字發展。本文指出,羅馬字是毋是ē-sái取代漢字,是社會政治問題,毋是語言學siōng文字設計ê問題。建立家己ê支持族語ê本土政權是台灣羅馬字運動siōng重要ê khang-khòe,其次是組織草根團體喚醒台灣人用族語書寫ê意識。台灣kap中國之間ê政治衝突lú chē,是羅馬字運動ê好時機。
Both Vietnam and Taiwan were introduced to the Romanized writing systems in the 17th century by Western missionaries. In Vietnam, the Romanized chũ Quôc ngũ system eventually replaced the traditional chũ Nôm and Han characters and became the official national orthography in 1945. However, its counterpart in Taiwan, the Peh-ōe-jī, (Romanized Taiwanese) still has not yet become widespread. Moreover, the later imported Han writing system is used much more widely and has obtained the dominant status in contemporary Taiwan's society. This paper examines the missionary scripts in Vietnam and Taiwan from the persepectives of linguistics and sociolinguistics. The authors finds that what have prevented the Han characters from being replaced by Romanization are socio-political factors, rather than linguistics factors.