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D^2ashboard: A Visual Decision-making Tool for Disaster Prevention



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Decision-making for the issuance of flood warnings is a complex process that requires quick analysis of multi-dimensional hydrological data. The Water Resource Agency in Taiwan has developed a flood alert system that has defined two levels for alerts based on predefined rainfall thresholds. The system tracks rainfall in real time through rain gauge stations in specific locations and subsequently issues flood alerts to the affected counties when the rainfall reaches a predefined threshold. The system has been operational during several typhoons and heavy-rain events and has demonstrated its usefulness in flood prevention. However, in order to judge the flood potential, the analyzers have spent a considerable amount of time exploring critical information due to the lack of connectivity between relative hydrological data in the system. The research led to the development of a visual decision-making tool (called D^2ashboard), which allows users to manipulate related information to enhance their understanding regarding the risk of a floods and to influence decision making. We integrated three interactive functions: (1) data tips, (2) data brushing, and (3) dynamic queries in order to increase its usability. Users are now able to take advantage of its capacity for dynamic exploration and from its intuitive operation. We implemented D^2ashboard to the disaster prevention process during the typhoons TRAMI and KONG-REY (August 2013) for validation. The results show that D^2ashboard decreased the time the experts spend on judging the flood information by 25% and 61% respectively.


