  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Generator of Drill Script for Compound Natural Disasters




Drill script is to guide the behavior of a group of people under an imaginary disaster scenario. In current state of practice, the drill scripts are most developed by the experts or experienced staffs. They must spend tremendous man-hours and completely transfer the experiences into the script. However, when facing the compound natural disasters or large-scaled disasters, the manual method may not sufficient to handle the development of drill script. This research aims at developing an automatic method to intelligently generate the drill scripts. The generated scripts should have considered the nature of the disaster and the possible influence to the society. The developed automatic method can be divided into three steps: The first step is to retrieve scope of the disasters from the past experiences. This can either be collected from the disaster history or generated by the simulators. The second step is to define the possible events and the relation to the possible disaster, i.e. hazard situations. These events include realistic scenarios such as suffering people, damage structures, etc. We also develop parameters to describe the profile of the events. The third step is to develop a script generator by scrambling the disasters and possible events. A user interface was also developed to allow experts to pick the scripts suitable for the drills. The automatic method can not only reduce the efforts on developing the drill scripts but also expand the capacity of the drill developers to handle the large compound disasters exceed past experiences.


