  • 期刊


The Development and Strategy of Taiwanese Automated Driving Industry




Taiwanese automotive electronic components industry has a complete supply chain with a small number of diverse and flexible manufacturing advantages. In recent years, with the self-driving, connected vehicles, electric vehicles and sharing economy fermentation, it is estimated to create a production value of 7 trillion US dollars toward 2050. Taiwan's well-known semiconductor, telecom, electronic components, and international avionics manufacturers have played an important role in the field of vehicle and television. The Executive Yuan Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency Industrial Policy hopes that the Ministry of Economic Affairs will promote the unmanned vehicle technology innovation experiment regulations, and integrate the upstream and downstream development of the industry with the auto-driving shuttle fleet and the automatic transportation logistics flagship team application plan. These actions will accelerate the explosive growth of Taiwan's automotive electronics for Taiwanese vehicles, allowing the component industry to move towards the next important milestone.


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