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Effect of different dietary crude protein on gain weight and blood chemistry of Lanyu Minipigs


本試驗目的係評估以哥廷根(Göttigen)小型豬推薦飼料配方(USDA 1160)配製之飼料以增加或減少10%營養濃度之飼料對蘭嶼豬之生長與血液生化值之影響。試驗採用平均體重約8 kg蘭嶼豬30頭,公母各半,分為3組,每組10頭,飼糧有以哥廷根小型豬推薦飼料配方配製之飼料和該配方增加或減少10%營養濃度之飼料,共有三種。由0(開始日)-2、3-6、7-10、11-12與13-16週階段,分別提供每頭每日試驗豬240、300、340、380與420 g飼糧,試驗至平均體重達25 kg時結束,測定增重及血液性狀。結果顯示,當蘭嶼豬體重介於8-16 kg階段,以固定的每日飼糧餵飼量240-340 g,餵飼以USDA 1160和增減10%營養濃度配製的飼糧,對蘭嶼豬的體增重,均無影響。但是當蘭嶼豬體重介於16-25 kg或8-25 kg期間,亦以每日飼糧餵飼量固定的方式,蘭嶼豬的體增重,以餵飼增加10% USDA 1160或USDA 1160飼糧組,顯著大於餵飼減少10%營養濃度飼糧組,而餵飼USDA 1160與增加10%營養濃度飼糧組,兩者間沒有顯著差異。在血液生化值方面,3組飼糧間沒有顯著差異,但是均有降低血液總膽固醇與三酸甘油酯含量的現象。綜合試驗結果顯示,當蘭嶼豬體重介於8-16 kg 階段,以固定每日飼糧餵飼量的方式,以USDA 1160或增減10%營養濃度配製的飼糧,均可適用於蘭嶼豬,但是考量飼料成本時,可以降低10% USDA 1160營養濃度配製之飼料餵飼;當體重介於16-25 kg或8-25 kg階段,以固定每日飼糧餵飼量的方式,餵飼USDA 1160或增加10%營養濃度配製之飼料,蘭嶼豬會有較大的體增重,但是考量飼料成本時,以USDA 1160營養濃度配製之飼料餵飼蘭嶼豬即有正常的生長。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feeding effect on Gottingen miniature pig with USDA feed and increased or decreased 10% nutrient in concentration to feed 30 heads Lanyu Minipigs of average bodyweight at 8 kg. The Minipigs were divide into 3 groups, each with 15 male and 15 female. A total of 5 trial stages that were 0 (starting day) - 2, 3-6, 7-10, 11-12 and 13-16 weeks and fed with 5 kinds of daily feed amount of 240, 300, 340, 380 and 420 g per pig respectively until their average body weight reached 25 kg. The results showed that the fixed daily feeding amount of diets from 240 to 340 g while body weight of the Lanyu Minipigs was between 8 and 16 kg, fed with USDA 1160 feed formula or increased/ decreased 10% nutrient concentration of diets did not have a significant difference on their body weight and weight gain. The body weight of Lanyu Minipigs between 16 and 25 kg or between 8 and 25 kg (the whole of the period) had a higher body weight and gain weight fed with diet that increased 10% nutrition concentration of USDA 1160 than fed with diet decreased 10% nutrition concentration of USDA 1160. Yet it did not Showed difference significantly when fed with both of USDA1160 and increased 10% nutrition concentration of diets. In the blood traits, there were no significant difference among these three kinds of diets, but had a lower concentrations of total cholesterol and triglyceride compared to blood Chemistry of Lanyu Minipigs. Therefore, from the previous results showed that when the Lanyu Minipigs bodyweight between 8 and 16 kg fixed with the daily feeding amount, fed with those of diets prepared by USDA 1160 or by increased/ decreased 10% nutrient concentration of USDA 1160 could apply to feed Lanyu pig, but when considering the cost of feed could apply decreased 10% nutrient concentration of USDA 1160 of diet to feed them. The body weight was between 16 and 25 kg or 8 and 25 kg and fixed with daily feeding amount, fed with the nutrient concentration UDSA 1160 or increase 10% the nutrient concentration USDA 1160 of diets would have a higher bodyweight and gain weight. But considering the cost of feed applying USDA 1160 of diet to feed Lanyu pigs, should match the nutritional requirement for their growth and did not have any impact on blood chemistry of Lanyu Minipigs.
