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Contest and Reform: The Problem of Effectiveness in Government Service Quality Award via Facebook Management


新公共管理浪潮下,政府為了提升整體效能,嘗試引進各種績效管理策略,其中一項作法就是仿效私人企業建立服務品質獎,期透過樹立典範讓各機關能進行標竿學習以擴散效益。然而,如果參與組織專注於獲獎而非產生有效變革,導致「目標錯置」(goal displacement)的問題,活動展現的績效變成只是表演作秀的曇花一現,這樣的短暫變革,真的值得大家學習嗎?本研究以第八屆政府服務品質獎為例,取得「第一線服務機關」臉書粉絲專頁經營的數據進行分析,運用「關注度」、「主動度」、「參與度」與「傳播度」四項指標,分別比較「得獎」、「入圍但未得獎」、「參獎但未入圍」及「未參獎」四類群組,在「審查前」、「審查中」及「審查後」三個時期的表現,來評估政府服務品質獎的實質成果。經過循證(evidence-based)分析發現,各機關經營臉書粉絲專頁的積極度,除了參照組「未參獎」機關無明顯變化外,另外三組對象都在「審查前」表現較佳,而進入「審查中」階段後便回跌到參獎前水準,甚至比「未參獎」機關還低,形成政府機關臉書粉絲專頁的經營,僅是為獲獎而未能維持變革的問題。作者嘗試提兩大建議,首先,就外部評獎機制來說,推動機關應設有管考追蹤機制,以持續維持變革成果;其次,以內部經營而言,機關應提供相關知識技能與訓練教導人員有效經營網路社群,並就所欲獲得的效果投入同等的資源與人力,同時配合機關長期目標列入組織任務之中,方能獲得政府所期待的變革表現。


Under the influence of the "New Public Management," Taiwan's government follows the example of the private sector to establish the "Government Service Quality Award." But government agencies may put too much effort into winning the award instead of comprehensively improving service quality. We took the "Government Service Quality Award" as an example to investigate whether the award mechanism actually benefits "Total Quality Management". We looked at the Facebook Fan Pages of first-line service agencies, comparing the performance of four different groups, including "winners," "nominees," "participants," and "non-participants" during different periods, including "before the award review," "during the award review," and "after the award review" using four criteria: "attention," "degree of initiative," "participation level," and "spread." It was found that with the exception of "non-participants," the other three groups had a better performance in the period "before the award review," and returned to an average level in the periods "during awards review" and "after awards review." That means although the award may help improve government service quality in the short term, government agencies do not have continued motivation to maintain and improve public service quality in the long term without continued performance reviews. There are two major suggestions. First, there should be a mechanism to keep track of the effectiveness of "Government Service Quality Award". Second, in terms of operating Facebook, the agencies should provide relevant training to show staffs how to operate Fan Pages effectively. Lastly, the agencies should invest resources and make operating Fan Pages one of the long-term organizational tasks.


江明修、王維德(2020)。重新詮釋我國政府之 KPI-以社會建構論之觀點。主計月刊,774,44-48。
特恩斯市場研究公司(Taylor Nelson Sofres,TNS)(2014)。台灣 Facebook 使用者資訊調查。2019 年 3 月 19 日,取自: http://zh.scribd.com/doc/232215883/%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3-Facebook-%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E8%80%85%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A%E8%AA%BF%E6%9F%A5。
