  • 期刊


Multiparty Presidentialism, Populism and Democratic Backslide: The Presidency of Joko Widodo in Indonesia




This paper aims to analyze the operation of multiparty Presidentialism in Indonesia after Joko Widodo was elected as president in 2014 and to explain the relationship between populism and democratic backslide. This paper argues that the interactions between electoral systems, historical factors, and party background entail the consolidation of the multiparty system and the president has to coalesce with other parties to form a ruling coaliton in order to avoid legislative boycotts. However, on the one hand, secret chamber negotiations of the multiparty system have created the opportunity of corruption or rent-seeking, enducing the Indonesian people's distrust in government and on the other hand, they also provide the populist leaders the chance for effective electoral mobilization. After populist leaders are elected, they are constrained by the culture of Jakarta's political circle which upholds the tradition of negotiation and collusion among parties. President Joko Widodo as a populist leader with the multiparty congress has passed some controverisal bills to cause democratic backslide.
