  • 學位論文


A Study of Suppliers’ Competitive Advantages in Purchasers’ Procurement Decisions

指導教授 : 李培齊


本研究旨在探討電腦系統整合產業技術成熟與高度競爭下,過去系統整合商藉由設計、規劃、建置電腦系統及提供專業服務以取得利潤;今電腦系統設備服務業的競爭,電腦系統整合服務商是否能在採購成本上取得優勢,是成為在競爭激烈的市場上突破重圍的重要關鍵。因此,採購管理控制成本的能力,將使採購商獲得競爭優勢。研究者在研究過程中,運用訪談方式,希望藉此瞭解在採購決策中,採購者與供應商之間的合作關係,對於採購的策略影響。 經資料分析後,本研究獲致以下結論:一、交期比價格及服務還要重要;二、規模愈大的廠商,給經銷商的毛利愈低,採購對於價格,較無談判空間;三、對供應商及採購方而言,客製化的應用,可避免雙方庫存壓力。 最後,研究者可根據研究結果,針對電腦系統整合服務業產業中的買方採購策略競爭優勢之研究,藉以分析採購策略的決策過程及採購對於供應商的選擇及與供應商合作策略的關係研究,並採購角色是否有強化功能的可能方向做深入探討,提出後續建議。


For the past decade, the major source of profit for computer system integrators under a mature and highly competitive industry structure is through designing, planning and setting up the system and provide professional services. Nowadays, adequately controlling procurement cost is vital for system integrators to surpass competitors in fierce competition. The procurement cost is the key consideration for system integrators to enhance competitive advantages. This study employed interviews to collect information. The main purpose is to explore the impacts of the relationship between buys and suppliers on procurement strategies throughout the procurement process. There were three major conclusions derived out of the data analysis. Firstly, delivery is the most important factor among delivery, price and service. Secondly, systems integrators’ gross-profit margin and price-bargaining power tend to be lower when dealing with large-scale providers. Thirdly, customized application would reduce inventory pressures for suppliers and purchasers. Lastly, this study provided suggestions toward the stipulation of procurement policies that would enhance the relationships between buyers and suppliers. Consequently, vender selection decisions could be improved in the decision making process so as to rise up the extent to which buyers collaborate with suppliers. Furthermore, how to strengthen the procurement function is also recommended in the study.


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